Antique radios, Old Time Radios
Base |
UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)
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Filament |
Vf 1.25 Volts / If 0.08 Ampere / Direct / Battery = |
Description |
This gridless triode was developed so as not to infringe with the Lee de Forest patent (owner RCA) on the control grid. Instead, the plate close to the filament has influence on the electron flow towards the other plate (anode).
For marking purposes, the upper part of the glass bulb of the PLAV9 tubes was painted blue, at least for a while.
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-- Original prospect or advert
Just Qvigstad
PLAV9A: Riepka, Die Röhre, 1926
Anonymous 15 Collector
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Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
Hits: 1993 Replies: 0
Otmar Jung
Dankenswerterweise hat Herr Eckhard Kull den folgenden Auszug aus der Firmen-Zeitschrift der Fa. Huth "Die Antenne", Heft 1, 1924, zur Verfügung gestellt. Darin werden die Huth-Platione beschrieben. Attachments
End of forum contributions about this tube
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