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ID = 19033
Brand: Spanner GmbH, Marken: Delta Valve, Altron, Neo-Delta; Berlin
Developer: Spanner GmbH, Marken: Delta Valve, Altron, Neo-Delta; Berlin 
Tube type:  Quad Triode 
  Late but very rare. ***
Identical to Polytron-4fach = Politron-4fach
First year 1927 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
First Source (s)
Sep.1927 : Funk Bastler Heft 39

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 3.5 Volts / If 0.35 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

The Polytron (Politron) brand tubes were made by Dr. G. O. Spanner, GmbH. This company also produced dual triodes and other tubes under the Delta name. The Vierfach-Röhre uses a series filament for the 4 sections which run at .35 amps at 3.5 volts. The plates and grids are made in copper, an unusual element material for this time period. An internal shield, in the form of an X is used between the sections. The base is very special and does require a special matching socket.

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Information source Bastelbriefe der Drahtlosen   1927, H.10

Polytron-4fach: Funkbastler 1928/01
Wolfgang Eckardt

Polytron-4fach: Bastelbriefe der Drahtlosen, H.10/1927
Wolfgang Eckardt

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