Hits: 2572 Replies: 5
PR2 (PR2) Foreign ?
Wolfgang Holtmann
17.Nov.13 |
On this tube (valve) we find the writing "FOREIGN" with no further indication of the manufacturer. Question: What is the meaning of "FOREIGN"? Who can explain it to me? |
Roy Johnson
22.Nov.13 |
Hello Wolfgang, Thank you for drawing my attention to this question. I am not sure of the rules that were established for this, but certainly it was a Government directive that many items manufactured outside the UK must carry the "foreign" marking. This seems to have started in the 1920s and examples persist late into the 20th Century. As regards tubes, one can even see this on Mullard tubes that were manufactured in Philips' factories and rebadged Mullard. Presumably the directive was to enable buyers to choose, and "buy British" as was encouraged by Government, but also was of importance as regards import duty assessment. Perhaps others know more precise dates and directives. Best regards, Roy
Wolfgang Holtmann
22.Nov.13 |
Dear Roy Thank you very much for your helpful explanation!
Kind regards, |
Reiner Scholz
22.Nov.13 |
Hallo Wolfgang, here are some additions. (shortened) In the second half of the 19th Century the industriel revolution swaped from England to the continent. By and by goods from continental Europe mainly from Germany were brought to UK.
Most of them were imitations of british products but almost of very cheap made and of poor quality. As a warning the slogan MADE IN GERMANY was created. On 08.23.1887 the "Merchandise Marks Act 1878" was placed. After that, all goods had to be marked with "FOREIGN" or "FOREIGN MADE" Further on a kind of suport and protection of domestic industries took place by campagnes like BUY BRITISH and I´M BACKING UP BRITAIN
The picture is showing my Blaupunkt VII (Ideal) from 1928
Wolfgang Holtmann
22.Nov.13 |
Many thanks, Reiner for the additional information and the picture! Kind regards, Wolfgang |
Wolfram Zylka
22.Nov.13 |
ExampleLoewe 3NFW British Made In myLoewe EB 100 that was produces inEngland, the valve is marked: British Made Greetings Wolfram
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