Information - Aide 
ID = 28723
Royaume Uni
Fabricant: Osram-Valves GB (not MO-Valves)
Concepteur: Osram-Valves GB (not MO-Valves) 
Type:  Gas Triode   Detector 
Identique à R2A
Remplaçants avec petites différences :
Première série 1918 ?? Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 216
Première source
Sep.1917 : British Radio Valves - The Vintage Years: 1904-1925 p.25
Sep.1917 : Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne
Prédécesseurs R2_England  

Culot Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914
Utilisé par Radio/TV-reception etc.
Chauffage Vf 3.3 Volt / If 1.1 Ampère / Direct / Battery =

Soft valve of similar construction as the French TM. Filled with Helium at a pressure of 0.6 mm Mercury. Thrower quotes 1.2 Amp at 3.5 Volts.

Exhibited by MOV at Physical Society display in London in January1920. Booklet for this display shows the anode voltage range quoted was 25 to 40 volts. on pages 4 & 7
The tube was mostly made with E12 (CES) base but the B4 base was optional. The tube was used by the British Navy in the last year of World War One.

Bibliographie - - Manufacturers Literature   Booklet "Exhibit of Wireless valves - Marconi Osr

Just Qvigstad

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