
Information - Aide 
ID = 16318
Fabricant: Raytheon Mfg. Co.; Cambridge, MA
Type:  Transmitting Triode, air cooled 
Identique à RK52

Culot UX-Base (4 Pins (2 thick, USA 1924) (Codex=Br) Connexion au sommet par téton.
Chauffage Vf 7.5 Volt / If 3.75 Ampère / Direct
Description Carbon plate, hard glass bulb, ceramic base. 62.5W anode dissipation; full ratings operation up to 60MHz.
Similar to RK51, with mu raised to 150 for zero-bias operation. 
Bibliographie Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
- - Manufacturers Literature   
Tube Lore (I)

rk52_so.png RK52: ARRL Handbook 1972
Anonyme 10 Collectionneur

Just Qvigstad
RK52: Handbook Raytheon amateur tubes
Miguel Angel Trujillo-Rodriguez


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