
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 32020
Gran Bretaña (GB)
Marca: Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.
Tipo:  Gas Triode 
Idéntica a Round_Type-N
Válvulas Predecesoras Round_Type-C  

Filamento Direct / Battery =

The Type N is a "soft" triode, actually the second early triode in the UK after the Round type C. Type N has an asbestos pellet in a 10 mm tube above the envelope. Quite different to the von Lieben Triode is also the grid, but similar to early Papaleksi tubes. Both, Lieben and Papaleksi use an apendix, but not for Asbestus, but Quicksilver Amalgam. The Round Type N triode was first used in the Marconi Receiver Type 27 from 1914 (or 1915) to 1918.

Precios de válvulas 1 Precios de válvulas (visible solo para miembros)
Literatura Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   p209

Uso en Modelos 1= 1914 ; 1= 1916

Número de modelos en con esta válvula:2


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