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ID = 30763
Brand: Zenith (Tubes); Monza
Tube type:  SPECIAL TUBE, other or unknown 
Identical to RT450

Base Europe 7-Pin C7A (Hx C, C7, C) 1933 Top contact with a cap.
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 3 Ampere / Half indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC
Description Full Wave Rectifier + Output Pentode
Full-Wave Rectifier 2 x 400V rms; 70mA mean dc.
Pentode:- Va<250; Pa<10.75W
Typically:- Pout 3.3W at Va=250, Vg=-20; Ia=36mA; gm=2.5mA/V; Rint=60k
Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

i_zenith_rt450_socket.png RT450: D.E. Ravalico, Il Radiolibro
Alessandro De Poi

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Just Qvigstad
RT450: D.E. Ravalico, Il Radiolibro, Hoepli
Alessandro De Poi

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Usage in Models 2= 1934? ; 4= 1934 ; 1= 1935??

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):7

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Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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Tube RT450 (RT450) Zenith Italy
Alessandro De Poi
  1 Characteristics of diode section:
Indirect heating
Heater voltage: 4V
Heater current: 3A
Max plate voltage: 2x400V
Max plate DC current: 70 mA

Characteristics of pentode section:
Indirect heating
Heater voltage: 4V
Heater current: 3A
Max plate voltage: 250V
Max screen grid voltage: 250V
Control grid voltage: -20V
Plate current: 36 mA
Screen grid  current: 7 mA
Internal resistance: 60000 ohm
Transconductance: 2,5 mA/V
Gain factor: 150
Max anode dissipation: 10,75 W
Max undistorted output power: 3,3 W

Source: this page.
End of forum contributions about this tube

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