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Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 29067
USA (Stati Uniti d'America)
Produttore: Tektronix; Portland, OR
Progettista: Tektronix; Portland, OR 
Tipo:  CRT, per oscilloscopi   Indication 
Identico a T5191-11

Descrizione Distributed deflection CRT. The T5191 tube has 27 vertical deflection plate pairs driven through 27 taps on a 125 ohm transmission line. The signal propagates through the vertical deflection system, toward the screen, at the same velocity of the electron beam, so that electrons are successively more and more deflected before striking on the screen. The standard tube uses P11 high speed phosphor and 24 KV accelerating voltage to make possible the photographic recording of single-shot events even at the fastest sweep rate, 2 nanoseconds per centimeter.
Characteristics: Vertical bandwidth: dc to 1000 MHz minimum at 3 dB. Risetime: less than 0.35 ns. Used in Tektronx 519 which was the first tube and ocilloscope capable of displaying a 1GHz signal. The sensitivity was better than 10V/cm on the 2x6cm screen. 
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Bibliografia - - Manufacturers Literature   

Utilizzo nei modelli 1= 1961

Numero totale di modelli di che utilizzano questa valvola:1

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