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ID = 80694
United States of America (USA)
Brand: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
Tube type:  IC - Integrated Circuit   UHF 
Identical to TA8425_RCA

Base Wires
Description Aufbau/Content: Hybrid Modul (__ Trans., __ Widerst., __ Dioden, __ Kond.);
Form/Case/Outline: Dünnfilm vergossen, 7 Pins;
Type/Application: UHF Power Amplifier Module cover the 395 MHz to 512 MHz band with three different power levels of 10, 13 and 15 watts with a nominal 10% bandwidth. They incorporate reliable thin-film technology and feature 50 Ω input and output impedances, infinite load-VSWR;
Daten/ Vcc: __ V; Io max: __ A; Icc: __ mA, Pd: __ W; t op: -__...+__ °C;
Weight 15 g / 0.53 oz

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