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Information - Help 
ID = 86538
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Transitron Electronic Corporation; Wakefield, MA
Tube type:  Relay in glass (not Relay Triode)   Text 
Identical to TimeDelayRelais

Base Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A
Filament --/--

Single-Pole-Single-Throw (SPST) Thermo - Relay.

Delay Time: ca. 25 seconds.

Heater: Voltage 115 V, Resistance ca. 4000 ohms

Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
x 64 x 20 mm / x 2.52 x 0.79 inch
Weight 14 g / 0.49 oz
Information source -- Collector info (Sammler)   

usa_transitron_time_delay_relay_connections.png TimeDelayRelais: H.G.
Harald Giese

Just Qvigstad

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