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ID = 28817
Brand: Métal; France (tubes)
Tube type:  Transmitting Triode, air cooled 
Identical to TMB
First Source (s)
1916 : Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 196

Base Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914
Filament Vf 4 Volts / If 1 Ampere / Direct / Battery =
Description Maybe the developer was Hector Pilon. But the tube was made by Metal in 1927 as shown in there catalog. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
50 x 119 x mm / 1.97 x 4.69 x inch
Information source Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   page 196
- - Manufacturers Literature   

Just Qvigstad
TMB: Banneitz, TB der drahtl. Teleph. 1927
Anonymous 15 Collector

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