
Information - Hilfe 
ID = 77309
Marke: Nutron Manufacturing Co.; Passaic, N.J.
Entwickler: Nutron Manufacturing Co.; Passaic, N.J. 
Typ:  Triode (Hoch-) Vakuum   Niederfrequenz 
Identisch mit TripleServiceSuper

Sockel USA-UV-4-Stift-Sockel+Bayonet, ab 1914
Anwender Radio/TV-Empfang etc.
Heizung Uf 6 Volt / If 0.28 Ampere / Direkt / Batterieheizung =

This tube was specially designed by the Nutron company and was claimed "to be better by fully 25% of any other tube on the market". The anode area was bigger than the 201A type and the filament longer. They were said to have a mutual conductance of over 900 ohms and an anode impedance of 7000. The amplification factor was 7.5 to 8. This information from the Radio News advertisement of October, 1924

Abmessungen (BHT)
inkl. Stifte/Spitzli
x 114 x 45 mm / x 4.49 x 1.77 inch
Gewicht 55 g / 1.94 oz
Literatur Radio News   October 1924 p. 571

uv_triode_tube~~146.png TripleServiceSuper: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad

[rmxtube-ge, noindex]

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