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ID = 3606
Developer: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Universal 
  <1925 rare.
Identical to UV199 = UV99 = V99 = AWA99 = AV199 = SV-199 = AV-199 = TCV199 = DC199 = B-199 = 499 = UV099 = C1_Peerless = 99V = 2957 = 2958_WLS = C-199 = D199 = DE3_UV199 = MV199 = 199_Brightson = 099_UV = RYB199_UV = NU-99V = SLV199 = GS199 = Ray-V199 = M.D.06A = NV-199 = OH599 = 57TV99 = 2951 = ER-V199 = V199 = CT199_UV199 = GS-99 = M199 = PR51_Condor = 199-V = LB-199 = R199 = SV99 = RH199 = 399 = 0199 = C299
Similar Tubes
Other shape (e.g. bulb type):
  199_Star ; 306_Star
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
  306_Star ; 3VB ; 4610_WLS ; A306_UV199 ; C_CeCo ; DV3A ; PR-99-A ; PR51_Condor ; R51_SER ; S600_Schickerling
Heater different:
Other base:
  199_GEM ; 499A_UV ; 99UV ; AWA33 ; CT199 ; WX199
Other base and data slightly different:
First year Dec.1922 Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 313
First Source (s)
Dec.1922 : Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 313
Predecessor Tubes UV199_prototype  

Base UV199 (Codex=Bo)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 3 Volts / If 0.06 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Early development work on the UV199 tube in 1921 involved a double ended unbased tube (199_prototype) and two of these tubes were fitted into the Radio Corporation's first portable Radio Receiver in 1921. The anode was a stubby wire at one end of the tube and grid and filament wires, also stubby, were at the other end. The tube operated a the same charasteristics as the later designed (June and July 1922) single ended tube; 3.0 voltsfilament and .06 amps filament current. During

Stokes page 17: The first tubes with thoriated filament made by General Electric (GE) appeared as UV-199 and UV-201A. They were produced late in 1922 but were not available for general sale until well into 1923. The Radio models Radiola II and IV were delayed until the Christmas selling season 1922 due to shortage of UV199's.

The UV199 uses a unique small base which never was used for other tube types, except the de Forest DV3a and Western Electric 230D. The UV199 is the first tube intended for use in portable receivers as well as in home receivers using dry batteries. The filament is for 3 volts, 0.06 amperes. After a year of release this was rated to 3.3 volts. Physically the UV199 (also called 199) is much smaller than any previous GE tubes (T-8 tubular bulb). Initially a brass base was used. Tipless bulbs were introduced early in 1924 and bakelit bases came into use during October 1924.

The tubes were branded RCA, whilst being made by the General Electric Co. RCA had no manufacturing facilities until the formation of the subsidiary company, RCA Radiotron, Inc in 1930.

The tube base was redesigned to a smaller diameter UX type and the new tube was anounced in August 1925. the bulb size and shape remained the same at 1 inch (25.4 mm) diameter. In addition the new base has a characteristic reverse taper shape. The UV199 had still to be produced for replacements and to meet these needs a base adapter had been on the market for a number of years. This enabled the old UV199 based tube to fit into the adapter which then was fitted into a"large" UV or UX tube socket. With the introduction of the RCA 230 and 231 tubes in 1930, the old tubular T8 (one inch) bulb was increased to the T9, a diameter of 1&1/8th inches In 1932 UV199 and UX199 got a shoulder glass bulb and are then called V99 and X99.

After introduction of the UV199, many other manufacturers made the tube and there were a variety of type numbers such as V199, 199V, 99UV and 199. Some companies also made the tube with their own particular company "letter" prefix. Tubes were made as well, with tthe "Navy" or "large" UV base. For the tube collector, it is difficult in many instances to know these bse differences.

Text in other languages (may differ)
Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
x 84 x 25 mm / x 3.31 x 0.98 inch
Weight 24 g / 0.85 oz
Tube prices 14 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   Pages 305, 308, 313-315
Tube Lore (II)   p. 25
- - Manufacturers Literature
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49

UV199: Tech sheet inside tube box
Steve McInnis

v99~~4.gif UV199: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Just Qvigstad
UV199: RCA Tube Manual RC-10
Heinz Höger

More ...
Usage in Models 3= 1922 ; 31= 1923 ; 14= 1924? ; 61= 1924 ; 1= 1925?? ; 6= 1925? ; 49= 1925 ; 2= 1926? ; 6= 1926 ; 1= 1927? ; 1= 1927 ; 1= 9999?

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):176

Collection of




Blue glass.

Forum contributions about this tube
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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UV199 (UV199) socket
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

An unusual socket or UV199 caused some bewilderment: The pin allocation appeared to deviate from the usual one.
If a tube is inserted, only the markings F+, F-, P, and G are visible. If the lcoking pin is at 12:00, then

P is found at 01:30; F+ at 04:30; G at 07:30; F- at 10:30.
Somehow it appears mirrored in the vertical axis against the usual allocation.

We had studied, made hypotheses like manufacturers error etc.

All wrong: The solution is found looking at the contact springs. They are not radially arranged as usual in such bayonet sockets, but tangentially. The contacts are rotated by 90° ccw in top view (cw in bottom view) against the terminals.

Here in top view

and in bottom view

Fazit: it is always good to take a second look!

Thanks to Peter den Boer for the socket pictures and to Alan Larsen and Alan Douglas for advice.


End of forum contributions about this tube

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