
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 14950
Estados Unidos
Diseñador: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY 
Tipo:  Gas Triode   Detector 
Idéntica a UX200A = 200A = TC200A = D400A = X200A = SX100A = 5VD_vanHorne = CX300A = 200X00-A = ER200A = DX200A = CTX200A = MX200A = BD200A = 0200A = PD200A = 4602_WLS = Detector_Knight = GSX-200A = 57T200A = PA200A = DC200A = CF500 = SLX200A = Z200A = RYB200A = 00AX = R200A = AX200A = 00A = SX200A
Válvulas similares
Substituya normalmente -diferencia peq.:
  150D_magnavox ; DL15_deForest ; GX200A ; H_CeCo ; JX200A ; PR-1-A ; TS200-A ; UX200 ; UX200AA
Primera serie May.1926 Radios von gestern, 2. Auflage + Tyne page 316
Fuente principal (es)
Apr.1926 : Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne
Válvulas Predecesoras UX200  

Base UX-Base (4 Pins (2 thick, USA 1924) (Codex=Bo)
Usada en Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Vf 5 Volt / If 0.25 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

In 1925 (Stokes page 17) RCA replaces the UV200 with the UX200.
Tyne: Work on the 200A tube started in the GE laboratories in February 1925 and in May 1926 RCA announces the UX200A as a new detector tube, replacing the UX200.This tube contains caesium vapor isntead of argon gas of the UV200 and UX200 to get a much more stable operation and increase of sensitivity. The UX200A has a thoriated filament but at that time, 1926, was already outdated and only being used as replacement for UX200 (EE).

Texto en otros idiomas puede diferir
x 108 x 45 mm / x 4.25 x 1.77 inch
Peso 47 g / 1.66 oz
Precios de válvulas 3 Precios de válvulas (visible solo para miembros)
Literatura Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   p. 316
Babani, International Radio Tube Encyclopaedia   p. 15 & 151
Tube Lore (II)
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49

uxsockel_10.png UX200A: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Just Qvigstad
UX200A: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Mas ...
Uso en Modelos 1= 1926? ; 30= 1926 ; 2= 1927? ; 29= 1927 ; 2= 1928? ; 11= 1928 ; 2= 1929 ; 1= 1930??

Número de modelos en con esta válvula:78

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