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ID = 20354
Great Britain (UK)
Brand: Common type Great Britain tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Transmitting Triode, air cooled 
Identical to VT98_GB = CV1098 = REL5 = E960T = 10E/224
Similar Tubes
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
Different maximum ratings:
Predecessor Tubes VT58  
Successor Tubes VT98A  

Was used by Radar
Filament Vf 8.2 Volts / If 35 Ampere / Direct

Transmitting triode intended for pulse operation. Thoriated tungsten filament, 750W anode dissipation with forced-air cooling. Capable of generating 100KW pulses at 100MHz; can be used up to 250MHz with reduced power.
Used in the CHL radar system.
Derived from VT58, replacing the pure tungsten filament with a thoriated one.



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