Information - Aide 
ID = 62733
Type:  Triode, vacuum   Audio Frequency 
  <1925 très rare
Identique à VT9_GPO = 209A

Culot Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914
Utilisé par Téléphonie
Chauffage Vf 2 Volt / If 0.97 Ampère / Direct / Specified voltage AND current AC/DC

Tube used by British Post Office. Western Electric tube designed as type 209A. No information available if these tubes were manufactured in the UK or were re-branded American types.

Bibliographie British Radio Valves - The Vintage Years: 1904-1925   Pages 82 and133

uv~~35.png VT9_GPO: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

Just Qvigstad

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