Radio Antica e Radio d'epoca
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Francobollo militare tedesco |
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Wa.A. 604 is not the designation of these tubes.
They were manufactured or selected for the former "Deutsche Wehrmacht" (German Armed Forces). Wa.A. stands for "Heereswafenamt" or "Accepted work for the Armed Forces". The number designates the reference to a particular inspection station which usually examined a large number of different tubes.
More information about these examination stamps is given in this link. If we know more about this particular examination number you will find a forum article below.
We try to show here all different tubes with this paricular Wa.A.-number. Each picture legend should give information about the actual tube type plus all other markings on that particular tube. We would like to show only one picture for each tube designation if all other markings are the same (incl. date).
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Bild Stempel WaA604 auf Röhre RL2,4P2 bitte mit vollständiger Legende gemäss Anleitung direkt auf diese Variante laden.
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