Recording Details
New Year's Memories 22/23: Wakeup in the morning on the last day of transmission of RTL on LW, ; RX Graz
Recording Date
2022-12-31 03:51:57+01:00
4837 Seconds
Recording Location
Austria (AT)
(15° 26′ 17″ O / 47° 4′ 16″ N)
Frequency Range
75.0 kHz - 325.0 kHz
250.0 kHz
Recording Device
active dipole 2x120cm, symmetric preamplifier with OPA655 FET Opamps, mobile, ca 12m above ground
Band Middle Frequency
200.0 kHz
on board of the SDR
Pre-Amplifier Settings
on board LNA
RTL switches on the transmitter at 4:00 while Kalundborg joins somewhat after 04:33. So this file lets you experience the 'wakeup' of those two stations early in the morning
Recorded by
Hermann Scharfetter
Forum / Comments / Addition Information
Radio Stations
Frequency | SNR | S-Level | Country | Programme | TX Site | TX Power | Remarks |
77.5 kHz | 13 | D | DCF77 | Mainflingen/PTB | |||
81.0 kHz | 2 | G | GYN2F1B 85 Hz shift, encrypted | Skelton | |||
147.3 kHz | 3 | D | DDH47FSK Meteo, RTTY 50 Bd | Pinneberg | |||
153.0 kHz | 48 | ROU | SRR Antena Satelorr. România Actualități | Brașov/Bod Colonie | |||
162.0 kHz | 9 | F | TDF time signal | Allouis | |||
171.0 kHz | 30 | MRC | Médi 1Radio Méditerranée Int'l | Nador | |||
189.0 kHz | 2 | ISL | RÚV Rás 1/RÚV Rás 2Rikisútvarpid (very weak, not audible) | Gufuskálar (Hellissandur) | |||
198.0 kHz | 44 | G | BBC Radio 4 | Droitwich/Mast A-B; Burghead; Westerglen; Dartford Tunnel; | |||
207.0 kHz | 22 | ISL | RÚV Rás 1/RÚV Rás 2 | Eiðar | |||
225.0 kHz | 41 | POL | Polskie Radio Jedynka | Solec Kujawski/Kabat | |||
234.0 kHz | 43 | LUX | RTL | Beidweiler | |||
243.0 kHz | 40 | DNK | DR Langbølge | Kalundborg/Radiovej | |||
252.0 kHz | 43 | ALG | Chaîne 3, interf with RTE | Tipaza | |||
252.0 kHz | 43 | IRL | RTÉ Radio 1, interference with Chaine 3 | Clarkestown/Summerhill | |||
290.0 kHz | 47 | AUT | NDB, GRZ 1019Hz ID+3 gap | Graz |