2004 (2004)

ID: 228175
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

2004 (2004) 
05.Sep.10 13:55

Peter den Boer (NL)
Articles: 38
Count of Thanks: 5
Peter den Boer

Ratron GmbH  1925-1968

1931: Werner Siemensstrasse 20/21


The brothers Gerard and Martin Richov founded Ratron GmbH in 1925. They started with 4 employees, moved the factory several times and moved to the Werner Siemensstrasse in 1931, which was also the address after the war. Due to war damage and the reconstruction of Berlin, the Werner Siemensstrasse does not excist any longer.

On January 5th 1949 Gerard marries with Urula Hass, his former factory manager. Martin retires in 1958 and Ratron was closed by Gerard in 1968, In that same year Gerard dies, 67 years old, leaving behind his wife Ursula (9-9-19210 and his daughter Meta (12-5-1950).

Tubes of Ratron Gmbh

As far as i know there is never found a German made Ratron tube. But they must excist.

In "Der Fachhändler 1927" is listed a Ratron type a.


N.V. Ratron  1941-1945

Straatweg b41

Beek (Ubbergen), the Netherlands

N,V, Ratron was founded on May 15th 1941 by the brothers Gerard and Martin Richov, At the time they lived both at the Hugo Vogelstrasse, Berlin-Wannsee. There is little known about this company besides the fact that they made rectifiers for the German Armed Forces. When the allied Forces entered Beek in 1945, the factory of Ratron was an empty shell. All the machinery was removed. The Dutch governement dismissed both brothers and closed the company in 1946.

Tubes of N.V. Ratron

So far the Ratron types AZ11, AZ12 and 2004 (= RGN2004) are found. The are easy to recognized because on the glass is printed in a hexagon: NV Radtron AZ11 etc, N,V, is a Dutch kind of GmbH.


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