4496 (4496) Voltage Regulator
4496 (4496) Voltage Regulator

Esteemed Members,
According the Radiomuseum data information the only model that uses this voltage regulator is the Philips 289A. Model that I intend to restore in the next weeks. The available information for the 4496 is very scarce and I have neither found where to buy it.
I will thank some information on the 4496 and possible equivalent for tube replacement..
Bruno Gandolfo.
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Dear Bruno,
for the technical data of the 4496, please look here. As you can see from the table, you can also use 4317 or 4377 provided that you change either socket or base (difficult with Edison...).
I do not know however, how reliable the Vade-Mecum is, so a certain caution and re-checking is in order.
Hope that helps!
Cordially, Mark
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válvula reguladora
Estimado Bruno,
tengo algunos datos de la 4496. Los encontré en el libro Röhren-Codex del año 1948.
Tensión de estabilisación: 110V
Corriente promedio por el regulador: 0,02A
Tensión de encendido: 130V
Desgraciadamente no conozco un tipo de reemplayo.
Saludos cordiales
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4496 (4496) Voltage Regulator

Dear Bruno,
I think that the 4496 Voltage Regulator is virtually impossible to get, but keep trying. One day you never know! Just as a thought and before you do something that you cannot alter later. What about soldering a 5 watt, 130 volt zenor diode across the anode and cathode under the valve base. No one will see it there and the original tube and base can stay in place until by chance you might find a 4496. I presume you do have the 4496 still? I hope this helps.
With kind regards,
John Carter.
Sorry Bruno, I have just realised the stabilised voltage is 110 volts. So a 110 volt zenor is required.
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4496 voltage stabilizator, Thanks to all.

Esteemed Mark, Otmar, Jacob and John,
Thank you so much by all the Information, comments and suggestions about this scarce and rar voltage stabilizator.
My special gratitude for my friend Roberto Sarbell who sent me an OC3 NOS for the replacement.
The dial glass of the Philips 289 A presents various places or towns some absent nowadays that would correspond to the Indonesian Archipelago (Batavia, Bandoen, Tjepoe, Malang, etc ).
It has been very interesting to study the Colonies held by the Netherlands in the South Asia archipelago, zone for the one Philips designed this radio in 1938. The Indo-Asiatic market.
Thanks again,
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? 4496 replacement

Dear Members,
The stabilisator 4496 can be replaced by the 4687?
Thanks, Bruno.
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4496 versus 4687

Dear members,
"Philips electronenbuizen deel II" states on page 284 a stabilizing voltage of 85 to 100 volts at 10-40 mA, so it cannot replace a 110 volts stabilizer.
Best regards, Jan Terranea
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