5779 (5779)

ID: 300049
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

5779 (5779) 
11.Oct.12 01:17

William Wagner (USA)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 11

The second image of this 5779 shows it operating at 1/10 power, one amp DC from a 40 volt power supply triggered by a Tesla coil.  It has a good deal of Hg in it!  I read on the web long ago about one of these that was operated in a very high magnetic field at very high current at extremely short pulse duration, unbelievable at the time to me.  Widh I could find it again!

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Addendum to 5779 post with attachment, I hope! 
11.Oct.12 20:45
60 from 2341

William Wagner (USA)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 6

I am getting used to this site.  I will attach here the second pic of the 5779 operating.  Sorry about the newby mistakes here.


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