A410 (A410)

ID: 170116
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

A410 (A410) 
22.Aug.08 19:48

Georges Van Campenhout † 28.4.22 (B)
Articles: 206
Count of Thanks: 10

Dear all,


in the Olens Radiomuseum (Belgium) I found a set, equipped with 4 Philips tubes A410. At the back of the tubes, there are two strange markings: the first says RECLAME, and the second, in thinner lettering: INUTILISABLE. This french word means 'cannot be used'.

As I understand it are these lamps meant for pubilcity. I measured the heater, and it is seems to be open circuit!

Has anyone an explanation for it?


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23.Aug.08 09:37

Christian ADAM (F)
Articles: 469
Count of Thanks: 7
Christian ADAM

Dear Georges,

You may be right. As "réclame" means "for advertisement", may be these tubes came out damaged from the factory but have been distributed to the dealers for the show room for example.

It's interesting...


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