A410_Philips (A410_Philips)

ID: 137798
Dieser Artikel betrifft das Bauteil: Zur Röhre/Halbleiter

A410_Philips (A410_Philips) 
04.Apr.07 12:41

Mark Hippenstiel (D)
Beiträge: 1250
Anzahl Danke: 12
Mark Hippenstiel

Hallo zusammen,

kann mir jemand erklären, warum Valvo eine A410 mit Werten, die von denen der Philips-A410 abweichen, hergestellt hat? Oder sind unsere technischen Daten bei der Valvo inkorrekt und es handelt sich doch um die selbe Röhre?

Ich will da keine Baustelle aufmachen, aber es würde mich schon interessieren, ob es auch noch ähnliche Fälle gegeben hat.

Danke, und viele Grüße
Mark Hippenstiel


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04.Apr.07 17:06

Roy Johnson (GB)
Beiträge: 286
Anzahl Danke: 10

Dear Mark,

I do not know for certain in this case, but one quite probable reason is that they were named independently. There was no agreement between manufacturers in 1925.

The numbers chosen were the obvious ones 410 =  4V 0.10A  (406 0.060A). 

Then there was the pressure to reduce battery consumption so a valve would be announced as 0.06A  then a little later a small ca  (approximately) can be seen in the leaflets! 

Also even when a type was "copied" production possibly led to a slightly different product!

There are many cases of tubes being named the same but with completely different function - not only a difference in characteristics.   For example DE1 and DE2 appear as both triodes and rectifiers.

Perhaps someone knows for certain the A410 story, but my guess is simultaneous naming.

Kind regards,



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04.Apr.07 17:04

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Beiträge: 2492
Anzahl Danke: 9
Wolfgang Bauer

Mr. Hupse wrote:

Hello Mark,
I cannot answer directly to your forum contribution because there is no reply button available for me...
The Valvo A410 is a 100 mA triode, designed for serial supply in DC radio sets. It is almost equal to the Philips B415. And not equal to the Philips A410 or Philips A415, as these tubes only consume 65 mA.
Best regards,
John Hupse

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04.Apr.07 18:59

Mark Hippenstiel (D)
Beiträge: 1250
Anzahl Danke: 7
Mark Hippenstiel

Dear John, and dear Roy,

thanks for the further insight. I recollected that  the merger (or take-over) between Philips and C.H.F. Müller had already taken place when those two types were released.

But this would only take place ca. 2 years later (1927) - and a Philips prospectus of 1927 calls the A410 an "old" tube already, now (application-wise) superseeded by A442 and A453, but still on stock or production.

I would have guessed that even back then companies would have looked over the fence (of their home market), especially in the case of Philips which employed a very expansive strategy already from the beginning.

But Roy's probably right, since both types were released in 1925, only a year (or less) after the founding of Valvo.


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