advance-in: T.TI/S TT1S; Transistor Tester CT472

ID: 393844
advance-in: T.TI/S TT1S; Transistor Tester CT472 
20.Feb.16 18:36

Marcel Attard-Baldacchino (M)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 10

THe image of the battery in the photo is incorrect as the tester uses 4 X D Cells. I do not see the significance. I suggest that this image is removed.

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advance-in: T.TI/S TT1S; Transistor Tester CT472 
18.Apr.23 12:51
1455 from 2255

David Marchesi (GB)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 1

this unit does not use 4 x 1.5 Volt D cells but does in fact use much older 4.05 Volt TR-233R Mercury batteries, i can confirm this as i have just purchased a unit to restore and it has 4 of the 4.05 volt mercury batteries inside, so it works with 8.1 Volts for each of the PNP or NPN tests, if you are using four D cells you wont be using the unit correctly, so the battery image is indeed correct for this model of transister tester

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advance-in: T.TI/S TT1S; Transistor Tester CT472 
19.Apr.23 18:09
1539 from 2255

Marcel Attard-Baldacchino (M)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 2

Hi David , when I bought mine the batterry cases were empty so I wrongly assumed it used 4 X C size as they fitted physically perfect. Obviously now with your information I shall try to source the correct ones. To be fair it never worked 100% properly

Thanks again for your interest and good advice





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advance-in: T.TI/S TT1S; Transistor Tester CT472 
19.Apr.23 19:46
1548 from 2255

David Marchesi (GB)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 1

Hi Marcel,

i hope to get my unit working as it was when it was produced and i hope you are able to do the same.

i am going to use 4.2 volt Li-ion 18650 cells, they are harder(and more expensive) to get than th 3.7 volt 18650's but are closer to the original 4.05 volts I dont think the 0.3 volt higher than the originals for each pair in series will cause any problems 



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