minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215
? minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215
I have the schematics and the board overlays for this lovely radio but no alignment instructions and it does need to tweaked as the FM sounds distorted and difficult to get tuned in correctly and the other bands are also affected and sounds like a motorboat at times. Does anyone have these instructions or can offer any advice on how to go about it please?
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minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215
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I just tried to find some documents Vega 215 in russian internet...
As probubly you know, Vega 215 is similar to Selena 215 and Okean 215.
Unfortunately I didn't found some service manual, but may be next link will be helpfull for you, they just talking that bad quality of capacitors cause to problems in FM and AM circuits.
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minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215
Thank you for this post it is help after passsing it through a translation programme. Problem being, this will make even more important to locate some information to how to align the radio as changing capacitors will certainly disrupt the tuning.
Once again thank you.
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minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215

Hello Graham!
Before you start thinking about re-aligment or changing capacitors without specific suspects, you should do a step by step analysis of the problem, in order to locate the fault in one (ore more) stage(es).
For example if bad quality of sound occours in all frequency bands, you should first exclude a malfuncion of the following (LF)-Audio stage or simply a bad loudspeaker.
Insert clean audio signal to the output amplifier (before or after the volume-pot) an make shure that audio-stages are working properly.
Afterwards you can think about faults in the band-specific RF-stages.
With bad audio on FM the electrolytic cap in the ratio-detector is also a "usual suspect".
I wish you good luck fo your repair
best regards from Austria
yours sincerely
Harald Schlosser
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minsk-radi: Alignment instructions required for the vega 215
Dear Harald,
Thank you for your kind assistance. The speaker and audio stage is fine as some of the AM stations are coming through very well. What I do have on an all AM bands is a motor boating sound rather than the usual static etc that is asscioated with other forms of interference. On FM all stations are edgy and hard to tune in for best sound quality. I have other radios from Hacker and HMV and they perform fine on all bands.
I'll try and locate this capacitor in the dector stage and check it or swop it out and see if that makes any differnce.
Best wishs,
Graham Butcher
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