Artistic Radio Furniture By courtesy of Beale & Co. Ltd.

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Artistic Radio Furniture By courtesy of Beale & Co. Ltd. 
30.Dec.21 01:37

Gary Cowans (AUS)
Articles: 106
Count of Thanks: 1
Gary Cowans


(By courtesy of Beale & Co. Ltd.)

The Radio Cabinet has grown up. It has developed from an uninteresting, inartistic, stained, turned-leg monstrosity into a fine piece of furniture that typifies sheer beauty in line, figure and lustre. Beautiful speciments of high-grade cabinet work in Queensland Walnut, Queensland Maple Blackwood, Satinwood, English Burr Walnut, are to be seen at the new showrooms of Beale & Co. Ltd., who are responsible for this transformation, and to whom we are indebted for information on the subject of artistic furniture.



Trees are like men. Heredity, environment, circumstances, are causes that differentiate one man from another. No two are ever just alike. Similarly, one tree differs from another because of variation in environment, soil, climate, culture. Apart from distinguishing family traits, no two trees are ever really twins. It is this diversity in Nature, this variety of habit, verdue and fruitage, which constitutes the glory of the forest and intrigues our mutual admiration.

There is an unwritten biography in the heart of every tree. Something akin to tragedy and adventure, joy, and sorrow, are interwoven in its life experience as it yields its boughs to the vicissitudes of the seasons. The ruthlessness of winter and the desolating drought, not less than the benediction of sun and shower, have recorded their indelible impress upon the tapestries of its heart. Beauty and strength have been won at the cost of its life struggle.

Some of the loveliest effects in figured timbers are due entirely to climatic causes. Australia, with its variable climate— tropical in certain regions, with extremes of cold and heat in others - has been richly endowed by Nature with beautiful and decorative timbers.

The timber resources of our country have been classified into not less than 5000 different varieties— grouping themselves principally under two categories:

(1) Constructional Hardwoods; (2) Cabinet woods.

It is in the last-named group that our present interest centres.

The finer cabinet woods of the Commonwealth surpass those of other countries in figure, grain, weight, and texture. These qualities are claimed for them in general, whilst many are unique in other respects, possessing characteristic features which distinguish them as Australian. What Cabinet wood, for instance, could be so typically Australian as;

Queensland Maple: This precious timber may be said to hold first place in the esteem of lovers of beautiful Australian woods. It is one of the prime cabinet woods of the world, ranking with Cedar, Mahogany and Walnut.

This timber grows only on the tropical highlands of North Queensland. It possesses a character and refinement all its own. Judged on similar standards it is wholly superior to the famous Honduras Mahogany. Its pearly sheen, its high lights, transfigured by beautiful water wave and cloud effects, are most effective. It veneers and plies perfectly, bends satisfactorily under steam, and “takes glue” excellently. It stains readily and can be polished to a very high lustre. Throughout the Commonwealth, it is the most popular wood for shop and office fittings, mantlepieces, wainscotting, veneered panels for high-class furniture, and architectural interior decoration of walls, ceilings, doors, etc. Indeed, for cabinetwork generally it has no equal. Its toughness and strength is availed of for laminated bulkheads and propellers in aeroplane construction. Sir Ross Smith finished his historic flight from England with a maple propeller made in Queensland.

Queensland Walnut: This splendid timber is peculiarly a Beale product - in the sense that this Company were the pioneers in commercialising it. Thirty-five years ago, our research and study into the baffling and unique problems of sawing and handling Queensland Walnut were commenced. To-day its fame is established far beyond Australia.
Queensland Walnut predominates in the creations of eminent French, German, and English designers, as witness the leading Furniture Journals. It is much sought after by American manufacturers, who market it under the trade name of “Oriental Walnut,” and who frankly acknowledge its superiority over the American – grown species.

The colourations of this wood are typically walnut, revealing themselves in rich definite markings of blacks, browns, and chocolates. It has an amazing beauty of figure presenting oftimes the effect of a richly flowered shadow tapestry. Because of its impressive beauty, its fine texture and perfect finish under polish, Queensland Walnut is prescribed for all plywood cabinet work demanding the expression of quality and refinement. For decorative internal panelling’s, fittings and high-grade furniture, it is an ideal choice. Its remarkable effect in interior decoration may be seen in the Commonwealth Buildings at Canberra. The veneered encasements of Beale Pianos and Radio Receivers, for which it is extensively used, also reflect its rare beauty.

Amateur Radio & Broadcast Monthly Nov 1, 1933, Page 14 & 25

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