? AVO CT160

Good afternoon everybody
I'm working on the Avometer CT160 manual, in order to put it in Excell format, this work is not easy, page by page (there are 159 pages!!!), time consuming and subject to conversion errors.
Does anyone have any experience with this type of PDF-» Excel conversion or have done the same work?
Best Regards
Boa tarde a Todos
Estou a trabalhar no manual do CT160 da Avometer, no sentido de o colocar no formato Excell, este trabalho não está a ser fácil, pagina a pagina ( são 159 paginas !!! ), demorado e sujeito a erros de conversão.
Alguém têm alguma experiencia neste tipo de conversão PDF-» Excel ou tenha feito igual ?
Hernâni Capela
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PDF is almost the worst source for conversion.
Especially old manuals that have no human proofing of the OCR.
Import text to LO Writer.
Proof it. (save odt format)
Then convert into LO Calc. Clean up. save ods format.
Save as extra copies in the two main Excel formats.
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Sory, but " LO Writer"? or "odt Format" ? and "ods format"?.
I use SW Free OCR with my scanner , page by page , and blok by block ( colum by column ) copy and past to Excell.
I work in Valve Data Manual - Edition 20
Best Regards
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Libre Office (LO) runs on Mac, Windows and Linux. For many users / applications is now better tham MS Office and free. It is a fork of Open Office, which was based on StarOffice. There is only one specialist Excel feature not in LO Calc.
It's best to either use professional OCR, or scan to TIF or PNG (never direct to PDF or JPG, unless the scanner software PDF is putting an OCR layer). Tesseract is a good free OCR (Mac, Windows & Linux). The ABBYY finereader is excellent (Mac and Windows) and maybe the best. Some older versions might be free. Cuniform and Omnipage are not too bad, but much worse than Tesseract.. Don't bother with Microsoft OCR.
Don't go direct from scanner to Excel (Spreadsheet).
Scanners produce images, which are only human readible. Some scanner software do OCR and add that as a layer on a image in a PDF. That needs proofed and is usually poorer than standalone OCR software.
Proof the OCR text and edit it in a wordprocessor (LO Writer or MS Word).
Then convert to a spreasheet.
A PDF is a container for WYSIWG printing or publishing. It has layers, each of which can be text, bitmap, vector, postscript code and can have javascript. I now only create PDFs for publishing on paper. It's a terrible format to have as part of a workflow.
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Good morning,
Thank you for your information Michael.
I'll work on it.
Best regards
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