AZ41 (AZ41)

ID: 271889
Cet article fait référence au composant : Vers le tube ou semi-conducteur

AZ41 (AZ41) 
05.Dec.11 13:27

Bruno Brasseur (B)
Articles: 24
Remerciements: 15
Bruno Brasseur


Je lis aujourd'hui, dans la revue-radio Hollandaise RHT nr 139 de déc 2011, dans un article de Peter de Boer, que Philips a fabriqué en 1975 (ou plus tôt) une "variante" pour la AZ41. J'emploie le mot variante entre parenthèses parce qu'il s'agit de deux diodes silicium BY100, enfermées dans un cilindre en aluminium, avec le même socle que la lampe. Il a le code R7.422.36.

Bruno Brasseur.

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Résistance série aussi? 
05.Dec.11 14:06
7 from 7945

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1089
Remerciements: 17

Je pense que je me souviens avoir lu similaires dans les années 1970J'espère qu'ils mettent une résistance série aussi!
J'utilise 2 x 1N4007 et 330 Ohms soudé à l'arrière de la base du tube. Voici un AZ31 <<repair>> avec le AZ31 toujours en cours et éclatante.
(Excusez mon tres mauvais Français)

I think I remember reading similar in 1970s
I hope they put a series resistor too!
I use 2 x 1N4007 and 330 Ohms soldered to the back of the tube base. Here is an  AZ31 <<repair>> with the AZ31 still running and glowing.
(Excuse my very bad French)

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AZ 41 - R7.422.36 
05.Dec.11 19:02
44 from 7945

Bruno Brasseur (B)
Articles: 24
Remerciements: 11
Bruno Brasseur

Dear Michael,

Thanks for your answer.

According to the writer of the article - so said Philips without explanation - the series resistor would not be necessary (you take it for what it is).



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AZ 41 - R7.422.36 
25.Jun.14 12:37
1506 from 7945

Maarten Bakker (NL)
Articles: 41
Remerciements: 12

I think of the R7.422.36 as a very specific replacement that is not representative for all applications. Let me explain why.

First thing that caught my attention was the 1975 dating (I don't remember the wording in the RHT article but I remember reading it and thinking something wasn't right) is probably 5 to 15 years off as the number R7.422.36 is in the old pre-1963 coding system (which was in some cases phased out slowly, but not that slowly), and most importantly the code starting with R7 doesn't fall into a range that is known to be used for components, but rather a range that is used for lab equipment and possibly other professional equipment.

Chances are the R7.422.36 was intended to replace the AZ41 in one or more specific pieces of professional equipment that didn't mind the lower internal resistance.

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29.Jun.14 13:47
1613 from 7945

Hans Pierrel (D)
Articles: 13
Remerciements: 10
Hans Pierrel

Cher Michel,

je pense ca suffit avec le resisteur 330 Ohm pour remplacer le AZ41 par semiconduteur.

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