Capehart and Rider's schematics

ID: 297075
Capehart and Rider's schematics 
07.Sep.12 07:27

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 21
Ernst Erb

Overview about Rider's schematics for Capehart and Farnsworth-Capehart

For getting a good list of the Capehart models and to have data complete, I made a working page about schematics and tubes which could also help others. Here you find the main article about Capehart models.

Hugo Gernsback "Official Radio Service Manual" was actually before Rider.
In the volume with copyright 1930, we find a note on page 4: "Capehart Corp." See Webster Electric Co., page 350. There is to see the only schematic for Capehart: 6013 5-tube Power Amplifier used in Capehart Orchestrope Model 28-GB: Input transformer W-412, followed by tube 27, transformer W-254, 27, transformer W-438 for 2 x 45 in push-pull, 280  with power transformer W-671. For JB and JD models the output impedance W-631 is omitted. 6 resistors, 7 capacitors. Input 115 volt AC.

Gernsback volume II 1931-1932
Supplement page 4Hb Capehart: schematic models 200 and 300 de luxe 11-tube automatic Phono-Radio with visual tuning meter with 58 RF, 56 osc, 58 det, 58 IF, 56 det, 56 AVC, 57 silent tuning, 56 pre amp, 2 x 47 push-pull, 80 rectifier. IF 175. Produced by Howard Radio Corp. as model K chassis with change by Capehart it is CK (pickup amp). Model 200 uses a Jensen D9 12" speaker, model 300 a "Mastodon" 14". Cabinet and changer are different. Power 142 watts for  for undistorted 5 watts output. Needle weight 5.5 to 6 ozs. Changer adjusting for the "10-12-C" record changer.
For Capehart see Webster Electric Co. with reference to volume 1, Page 350 for models 400, 401, 402; Supplement = 2-stage PO amp Code 6005, 6009, 6025 JD amp on 350A and 3-stage PO amp 6030 JE & B-37-50 amp on 350B. Pages 350C (tuner) and D (amp) not found, the same as in vol 1?
Page 496 is for 6013 Power Amp. (2 x 27, 2 x 45 and 280) and 35TA Power Amp. (2 x 326, 2 x 310, 381).

Rider's first volume had no number

Page 192-A: Schematic for 13-tube Tuner/Amplifier for 400, 401 and 402:
51 RF, 27 osc, 51 1st det, mixer (translator),  51 1st IF, 51 2nd IF, 27 2nd det, 24 amp, 47 47 47 47 to and two in push-pull, 80 80 two rectifiers. Speaker field, output transformer for 3 possible loudspeakers. Actually the tubes are 551, 127. Two chassis.
Page 192-B: Pictural schematic for RF tuner chassis 8076.
Page 192-C: Pictural underside fo PZ amplifier chassis 8078.
Page 192-D: Wiring diagram between the components.

Rider's volume 1932 - without number
Shows same as unnamed first volume on same page numbers.

Rider's volume 1 + 2 for NRI of 1598 pages (1949)
Capehart pages:
79: Wiring diagram Amperion 100, 100 1/2, 101, 101 1/2, 130, 130 1/2 180, 180 1/2, 182, 182 1/2.
80: schematic 400, 401, 402, same as in first volume.
Farnsworth-non-Capehart on pages 255 through 268.

Rider's volume 1 later issue, copyrighted 1934:
Same information as volume without number on Capehart pages 1-1 through 1-4.

Rider's Abridged Volumes I to V = no find, also no Webster.

Rider's volume II, copyrighted 1932
192-A: 400 Series schematic
192-B: 400 Series Radio Tuner chassis
192-C: 400 Series PZ amp. chassis
192-D-1 through D-2: Record Changer "10-12-C" part 1, 2, 3 and 4. The adjustments.
Other volumes II show with the brand in front as later usual:
Model 10,12C service notes in 2-1 to 2-4 instead of "10-12" (same content)

Rider's volume III, copyrighted 1933
Capehart pages 3-1 through 3-8:
1: Model 21 cabinet wiring
2: Models Amperion 100, 100 1/2, 101, 101 1/2, 130, 130 1/2 complete wiring
3: Model 110 Amperion wiring
4: Model 111 Amperion wiring
5: Model Amperion 150, 151 wiring
6: Model 152 Amperion wiring
7: Model 170 Amperion wiring
8: Models Amperion 180, 180 1/2, 182 and 182 1/2 wiring
Webster page 1 amps: 6005 (26, 2 x 10 push-pull, 181), 6009 (2 x 26, 2 x 10 push-pull, 181) and 6013 (2 x 27, 2 x 45 push-pull, 280.
Webster page 2 amps: 6025-JD with 27, 2 x 45 push-pull and 80. 6030-JE & B-37-50 with 2 x 27, 2 x ? push-pull and 2 x 81.

Rider's volume IV, copyrighted 1934 (4-1 - 4-3 only, no Webster)
1: 400-A series tuner-amplifier W-820, June 1933: 2 chassis, 7 + 7 tubes, IF 180 kHz, tuning meter.
58 RF, 56 osc, 58 mixer, 2 x 58 IF, 55 det,  57, 56 1st amp, 4 x 47 parallel + pushpull, 2 x 280. 8 circ.

2: 400-B tuner schematic: 58 RF, 58 osc, 58 mixer, 2 x 58 IF, 55 det, 57, 58.
IF = 180 kHz. 7 circuits, 3-gang tuning capacitor, tuning meter.

3: 400-B amp schematic, 9 tubes: 56, 2 x 56, 4 x 2A5, 2 x 5Z3. Total = 17 tubes.

Rider's volume V, no copyright date (5-1 - 5-5 only)
1: Cosmopolitan 103 and 104 chassis "Z" schematic W-904, march 1934, 11 tubes:
78 RF, 6A7 osc mix, 2 x 78 IF, 75 det, 77, 2 x 37, 2 x 2A5, 80. IF not given, tuning meter, 3 + 6 circ.

2: 400-B, 202-B and 404-B tuner, W-836, March 1934, 8 tubes: 58 RF, 58 osc, 2A7 mix, 2 x 58 IF, 55 det, 57, 57.
3: 400-B, 402-B, 404-B all wave tuner W-839, Apr. 1934, IF 465, 8 tubes: 58 RF, 56 osc, 2A7 mix, 2 x 58 IF, 55, 2 x 57. 3 + 6 circuits.

4: 400-B, 402-B and 404-B 9-tube amp W-837 March 1934: 3 x 56, 4 x 2A5, 2 x 5Z3. for max. 3 LS.

5: Standard amp. schematic W-838, March 1934, 6 tubes: 3 x 56, 2 x 2A5, 5Z3.
Here we will have to find out which models work with this 6-tube "Standard Amplifier". I presume that it is for model B300 (8 and 6 tubes, 16-E-2 player, 12" speaker.

Rider's volume VI, copyrighted 1935 (no Capehart)
Some interesting Howard.


Rider's Volume VII, copyrighted 1936 (7-1 - 7-6)

Page Schem Date Description
1 W-864 10.35 Model 202 9 tube schem: 6K7 RF, 6A8 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6 det, 6C5 pre amp, 2 x 6F6 output, 5Z4. IF 465 KC, 3 + 6 circuits. tuning light or meter. 3 bands
2 W-870 11.35 Model 203 amp and power pack 5 tubes: 2 x 6F6 pre amp, 2 x 6F6 output, 5Z3. for two LS. 115 volts. 60 cycles. LS field.
3 W-869 11.35 Model 203 tuner schem. 5 tubes: 6K7 RF, 6A8 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6. 3 + 6 c, 465 IF
4 W-877 11.35 Model 400-D tuner 9-tubes: 6K7 RF, 6C5 osc, 6K7 mix, 6L7 IF, 2 x 6K7 IF, 2 x 6C5, IF 465 kHz, 3 + 6 circuits, 5 bands! Tuning meter.
5 W-867 11.35 Model 400-D bass amp schem: 8 tubes: 2 x 5F5, 4 x 6F6, 2 x 5Z3. 3 LS, 115V
5 W-868 11.35 Model 400-D treble amp sch, 4 tubes: 6F5, 2 x 6F6, 5Z3.

Rider's Volume VIII, copyrighted 1937 (8-1 - 8-3)

1: Model 200-F schem. W-921, Aug. 1937, 12 tubes: 6K7 RF, 6C5 osc, 6>L7 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5, 6N7, 6C5, 2 x 6V6, 5Z3, IF 465 kHz, 3 + 6 circuits, output for two LS. See also changes 11-5.

2: 400-F tuner schem. 12 tubes: 2 x 6K7 RF, 6C5 osc, 6L7 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6 det, 6G5 mag, 6J7, 6H6, 5Z4. IF 465 kHz, 4 gang tuning, 6 ZF filters, 4 bands. W-918 Aug. 1937.

3: Model 400-F treble amp N-919, 6F6, 2 x 6L6, 5Z3 and 400-F bass amp N-920 6N7,2 x 6C5, 6F6, 2 x 6L6, 83. 3 LS outputs, 8 ohms.

Rider's Volume IX, copyritghted 1938 - no Capehart

Rider's volume 10, copyrighted 1939, page 10-1 through 10-34

Page Schem Date Description
1 W-915 3.37 E-1, 7-tube tuner sch, 6K7,6L7,6C5,6K7,6G5,6H6, sep 5Z4 BC,2SW, IF 465.
2 W-912 1.37 E-1, 5-tube amp sch: 2 x 6F5, 2 x 6L6, 5Z3
3     E-1, Trimmers, chassis photo
4     110-G Panamuse, chassis photo, trimmers for BC, 2 x SW
5 W-940 3.38 110-G Panamuse, sch 6-tube:6K7 RF, 6A8 osc mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5 mag., IF 465 for BC + 2 x SW
6 W-941 3.38 110-G amp 5 tubes: 6N7, 6C5, 2 x 6V6G, 5Z3 (signed G.F. Hofer)
7+8 W-890 9.36 400-E, 500-E sch 10-tube reciever LW, BC, 2 x SW, IF 465
7+8 W-892 9.36 400-E, 500-E series 5-tube amp treble!
9+10     400-G, 500-G Remote control
11     400-E, 500-E photo receiver chassis
12 W-954   400-G Assermbly wiring
13 W-947 10.38 400-G 8-tube tuner sch: 6K7 RF, 6L7 mix, 6J5 osc, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5 mag, 6J5 AFC. 465 IF, 3-gang tuner, 9 circuits
14 W-949 10.38 400-G bass amp, 11 tubes: 6N7, 3 x 6C5G, 6F6G, 4 x 6V6G, 2 x 5Z3
15 W-948   400-G treble amp, 4 tubes: 6F6G, 2 x 6V6G, 5Z3
16     400-G photo chassis, ass, tuning meter adjusts
17     500, 400, 300G tuner chassis photo, trimmers adj.
18     500-G, 400-G, mixing panel chassis photo, battery
19     500-G, 400-G Mixing Panel notes
20 W-951 11.38 500-G, 400-G Extended Contol wiring (ottmar F. Hofer)
21     500-G, 400-G Extended Control Wiring Assembly for tuner
22     400-G Volume Control schem, data parts list
23     400-G Play Control, ass + adj.
24     400-G Remote Control Cable Notes
25-27     16-E De Luxe Record Changer, mech instr.
28     16-E Notes (+ photos)
29     16-E photo complete assembly
30     16-E two chassis views
31     16-E two chassis views
32     16-E two chassis views
33     16-E parts views
34     16-E two chassis views
      nothing in misc. pages, chages or players

More might come later ...

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