centrum: W51; original schema needed

ID: 293324
This article refers to the model: W51 Typ 51 (Centrum-Radio, Gylling & Co.; Stockholm)

? centrum: W51; original schema needed 
21.Jul.12 00:14

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1014
Count of Thanks: 11

Who has the original schema of this radio?

I fixed this radio and used a schema of a similar Centrum Radio. There are many differences, so I updatet the schema. Now most is new.

All values of the Rs are measured, there is no printing on the Rs.

All values of the Cs are from the prints of the original capacitors. 

I did not open the filter boxes and the box for LW and BC precircuits. So the parts inside the filters are not verified by looking.

One part at sound-control-switch is missing.

Therefore I like to get the original schema.


Svenskt by Google Translator:

Vem har den ursprungliga schemat för denna radio?

Jag fixade denna radio och använde ett schema av en liknande Centrum Radio. Det finns många skillnader, så jag updatet schemat. Nu har de flesta är ny.

Alla värden på dessa R är uppmätta, finns det ingen tryckning skivor.

Samtliga värden Cs är från trycken av de ursprungliga kondensatorer.

Jag öppnade inte filtret lådor och i rutan för LW och BC precircuits. delar inuti filtren inte verifieras genom att titta.

En del i sound-control-switch saknas.

Därför har jag vill få den ursprungliga schemat.


Ich suche noch immer den originalen Schaltplan. Die von mir geladenen Dateien habe ich bei der Aufarbeitung des Gerätes auf Basis eines anderen Centrum Modells mit gleicher Röhrenbestückung erstellt. Die Abweichungen sind aber erheblich.

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Centrun W51/KW5 
21.Jul.12 11:59
55 from 2727

Lars-G. Lundelin (FIN)
Articles: 143
Count of Thanks: 13

When I refurbished my CENTRUM W51 I used the JW5 schematics but unfortunately, there are no values for components.
 As you can se on the tube placement sticker on the inside of the backplate, it shows KW5 which apparently is the same type as W51.
 I made an inquiry to SVERIGES RADIOHISTORISKA FÖRENING, if there are anyone with the relevant shematics for the W51. So let's see and wait.


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JW5 Schema 
21.Jul.12 13:28
77 from 2727

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1014
Count of Thanks: 11

Thank you, Lars, for the request to SVERIGES RADIOHISTORISKA FÖRENING.

Can you please upload the JW5 schema to the Modell Page of JW5.

You may send  your scans (300 dpi) to me for handling, if you have no time to handle the scans.

Best Regards,


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correct files uploaded 
30.Jun.14 01:45
627 from 2727

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1014
Count of Thanks: 8

Lennart Nilsson uploaded the original schema and told me: "W51 is identical with KW5, whose diagram was sent to me by a collector in Stockholm". Therefore I delete my temporary uploads. The new files are named like printed on the papers "KW5". 

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