century: Century 4-47

ID: 378038
This article refers to the model: 4-47 (Century Radio Products; Chicago, IL)

century: Century 4-47 
28.Apr.15 13:04

Bruce Wilkie (AUS)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 3

To Radio Museum,

I have just uploaded images of my USA, Century radio, Model 4-47.


I see from your website that this model is similar (or Identical) to Steinite radio, by CRC of Chicago.

The Escutcheon is identical branded Steinite OR Century, the wooden Cathedral cabinet is the same design and the chassis is similar also using 24, 24, 47, 80 tubes.

I notice this is mentioned in your forum Unknown American Radio  (Generic Chassis)

Many similar radios are mentioned   Melorad, Caryl Model 4, Steinite, Mini-Cathedral, Climax 424, Century 4-47.


Regards to All,

Bruce Wilkie   (HRSA)


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