China - buying new tubes/components direct

ID: 325812
China - buying new tubes/components direct  
01.Aug.13 21:53

Clive Forder (GB)
Articles: 20
Count of Thanks: 9
Clive Forder


It is well known that production of electronic vacuum tubes and related components (e.g. valve holders, valve caps etc.) continues to this day at various locations globally and one such place is China. But how to buy these  easily and safely in retail quantities? The answer - at least one such manufacturer in China sells directly via Ebay. Example, the "Full Music" plant selling on Ebay through seller "zhangsheng" with over 500 items currently on sale on its Ebay site. Admittedly, there is a heavy emphasis on high-end audio tube amps, and this is reflected in valve types such as 12AX7,6SL7 and magnificent matched-pairs of gold-plated pin 300B SE's, all fresh off the production line. But there is a wide range of interesting items such as "tube adapters" for easily substituting for obsolete types and "experiment boards", a valve holder set into a small pcb together with thousands of  components such as resistors, capacitors etc. Prices include postage world-wide. To locate on Ebay do "SEARCH/ADVANCED/BY SELLER = zhangsheng" and you may well find that elusive  component that has hampered a restoration.


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