colonial: Colonial Radio model 656
colonial: Colonial Radio model 656
Having just completed an article on this radio titled "Colonial Radio and Its Last Tombstone", for The Spectrum Monitor magazine (July 2021), I would like to add some information and correct a few errors on the Rmorg page for the model. The first error is in the Mark Stein book image copy which states that this radio has 2 bands. In fact it has three bands, two of which are shortwave. The second error is the IF frequency. The IF is 175 kHz, not 480. The corrections can easily be corroborated by viewing the dial image on the 656 and the schematic, both of which I have uploaded.
Colonial's last ad under its own name in Radio Retailing magazine was in the July 1934 issue. That ad includes model 656. All the radios on that page were produced in 1934 for the 1935 model year. Colonial stopped producing home entertainment radios under its own name after the 1935 model year, concentrating on its manufacturing as OEM for part-owner Sears-Roebuck and a few other retailers.
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colonial: Colonial Radio model 656
you easily may change the features of the model yourself. Go to the model page. Under "Uploads & Questions" you will find "Data change etc." Click on "Data change etc". There you will find "Changes History of 656".
Here you will be able to suggest changes.
Regards, Dietmar
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