Contest-grade double-tuned crystal radio set

ID: 280300
? Contest-grade double-tuned crystal radio set 
24.Feb.12 19:53

Dejan Momirov (RS)
Articles: 34
Count of Thanks: 7
Dejan Momirov

Dear RM,

In 2004 I made an crystal radio and joined the Enver Memorial Contest. The set performed so good, that I decided, now beeing member of RM, to share it with others. As attachment I send also some pcs, shematics and the contest-log.

This is the first time I bring something to the Forum, so excuse me if I have made some mistakes.

Best regards,

Dejan Momirov


EE: 26.2.12: Doc file deleted - I could not open and others believe there is a "orm" or virus.


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Crystal Detector with 3 tuned circuits 
25.Feb.12 21:22
62 from 6586

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 7
Ernst Erb

Dear Dejan
Well done, gratulations!
What I can't open is the last attachment: Contest Set Description.

Here you can see an other very fine crystal detector - but the article is in German - but you see interesting pictures. It is the best I know of ... Most important are the circuits ... besides naturally antenna and earth ... (place, time, season, sun activity etc.)

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Contest Set Description 
27.Feb.12 09:53
155 from 6586

Dietmar Rudolph † 6.1.22 (D)
Articles: 2492
Count of Thanks: 8
Dietmar Rudolph † 6.1.22

Dear Dejan,

Under Linux with Libre Office it was possible to open the Contest Set Description .doc file and to convert it to a .pdf file. However, after this the PC crashed!? Therefore probably something may be suspicious with your .doc file. 

Contest Set Description



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Fixed the file problem 
27.Feb.12 10:29
164 from 6586

Robert Weaver (CDN)
Articles: 35
Count of Thanks: 8

Nice work Dejan, At some point I'll have to try building one of these.


BTW, I had no problem opening the original .doc file with Open Office on my Macintosh computer.

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Contest-grade crystal set 
13.Mar.12 19:05
290 from 6586

Dejan Momirov (RS)
Articles: 34
Count of Thanks: 7
Dejan Momirov


I would like to ad some more data about this set: The set description (I understand that there were problems opening it) and the contest results.




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