
ID: 343650
This article refers to the model: 7-tube TRF console (Criterion; (where?))

? Criterion 
13.Mar.14 18:47

Stephen Masek (USA)
Articles: 8
Count of Thanks: 9

Have you ever hard of the brand or manufacturer Criterion?  A few days ago I bought a Criterion radio.  It is a low-boy console with  7-tube TRF chassis.  I already have it playing. 

Sombody is on E-Bay now trying to sell a page from a 1930 Blish, Mize & Silliman Hardware Co. catalog showng Criterion radios.  The two models shown on that page use screen grid tubes, so they are probably one model year newer than the radio I have.  They may not even be from the same maker.  However, the chassis in my radio is painted, and I see that a radio in that ad has a chassis finished in "gold moire," which would mean paint.    


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Photos and schematic added 
14.Mar.14 16:24
61 from 1858

Stephen Masek (USA)
Articles: 8
Count of Thanks: 10

Thank you to all who have viewed this thread.  I added photographs and a schematic.

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.