Crosley folder 1933/1934, comparisons with Radio Retailing
Crosley folder 1933/1934, comparisons with Radio Retailing
I received from member Julie McCall a page from a folder called
"Moderne Radios", Crosley Form No. 1416.
Because she told me that she looked up also a book from Mark V. Stein, I looked up the many folders I bought from him, together with many magazines. Yes, it is here. Unfortunately it is hard to find collectors who go beyond loading up their pictures and help directly to improve "the most complete reference work on radios and related" by loading up pictures from folders or magazines and creating model pages if necessary or to correct them. Therefore this most interesting literature is waiting ...
Just as a sample I do here the same as I did for catalogs from Lafayette - but simpler: I list all 15 models in this folder and will link this text to all models concerned. This can be done with other folders and immediately somebody interested has the full sketch including models which were carried on in other folders etc.
This folder starts with the cheapest sets, ending with the most expensive:
Travo De Luxe (163)
Has a satinwood overlay front, zebra wood overlays above and below the grille.
Radio Retailing (RR) December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 19.95.
RR March 1934 Inside back cover for $ 19.95 but now tubes 78, 6F7, 38 and 12Z3.
At the same page is Dual Seventy for $ 59.50, Dual Twelve Moderne fro $ 85 and Dual fiver for $ 26.
Travo (166)
RR June 1933, page 22 for $ 12.99. There are two slightly different forms - but June was the same?
Travette Moderne (182)
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 26.
Travette There is also a Dual Travette 176.
RR April 1933, page 39 for $ 19.95 as cabinet "Travette" or "Companion" (78, 78, 77, 38, 12Z3).
Details and photos Inside back cover.
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 23.50.
Folder 1933/34: Wood, Thumbstone 9.75 x 12.25 x 7.75", 58 osc., 6F7 IF+Det., 2A5 Outp., 80.
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 19.99.
New Fiver
Folder 1933/34: Wood, Thumbstone 11.25 x 13.625 x 7.75", 58 osc., 58 IF, 57 Det., 2A5 Outp., 80.
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 23.50.
Dual Fiver (New Fiver with dual range)
Folder 1933/34: Wood, Thumbstone 11.25 x 13.625 x 7.75", 58 osc., 58 IF, 57 Det., 2A5 Outp., 80.
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 26.
Dual Fiver Lowboy
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 39.50.
Dual Sixty
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 35.
Dual Sixty Lowboy
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 50.
Dual Seventy Lowboy
Dual Seventy
Dual Ten Moderne (Dual 10 Moderne)
RR December 1933 Inside back cover for $ 69.50.
Dual 140
Folder 1933/34: Wood, Lowboy 6 feet no stretcher, 26 x 41.25 x 15", 12" speaker, 14 tubes:
5 x 58, 55, 3 x 56, 4 x 45, 5Z3.
The main question is now to match the missing 4 models Forty, New Fiver, Dual Fiver and Dual 140 with the models we show with numbers only - and not creating doublets ...
And to determine the year of market introduction and last sale.
Answers from guests or photos via contact form are welcome.
My folder has a typewriter notice: Steiner Radio Service, 155 Thurman Street, Bluffton, Ohio. There are prices written with a pencil to each of the sets.
Crosley starts with a title: "Supreme Beauty in Line, Color, Form!" And one of the content reads: "In the new Crosley ultra-moderne radio receivers, will be found a beauty that appeals irresistibly to those sophisticated men and women who understand, appreciate and admire the advanced, the modern and the daring. ..." At the end is a table with frequencies with the following title: "Dual Range" and entry text: "One of the most interesting recent engineering achievements has been the provision of receiving the short wave band from 90 to 200 meters, or 1500 to 3500 kc. The real interest in this moderately short wave band differs from the extreme short wave bands in that the thrill lies in the material broadcast and received, more so than any unusual distance reception. One need only refer to the table below to grasp this idea."
0540 - 1500 Broadcast
1500 - 1568 Police and television sound channels
1572 - 1576 State police
1576 - 1700 Police and experimental television
1700 - 1703 Aviation
1706 - 1716 Police
1716 - 2000 Amateur
2000 - 2300 Experimental television
2300 - 2312 Ship and government
2312 - 2320 Aviation
2320 - 2412 Ship, government and aviation
2412 - 2472 Police and government
2472 - 2500 Government and aviation
2504 - 2508 State police
2508 - 2748 Ship, government and aviation
2748 - 2848 Government and experimental television
2848 - 3110 Aviation and government
3110 - 3495 Ship, government and aviation
Since this folder is without any date, I might later browse through some of the magazines "Radio Retailing" to note the different dates a model has been mentioned there.
From the 7 folders I have, this is the oldest one, following one from 1936 (for 1935/36).
For 1933/34 relating to crosley we can now complete the information and it will stick to all models concerned. And we can link this with other Crosley folders.
Other Crosley in "Radio Retailing" 1933 and around this:
December 1932, Inside back cover: Fiver Lowboy $ 29.99, Septet $ 29.99, Septet Lowboy $ 39.99, Jevel Case $ 34.75, Book Case $ 34.75, Symphony $ 89.50, Fiver $ 19.99. All with pictures.
January 1933, Inside back cover: Tenace (10 tubes) $ 39.99 and Tenace console $ 49.99, Septet (7 tubes) $ 29.99, Septet console $ 39.99 and Fiver for - 19.99 and as Fiver console $ 29.99.
March 1933, page 37: Twelve as table model $ 49.99 or Twelve lowboy $ 59.99 (photo), Leader for $ 14.99.
April 1933, page 39 for $ 19.95 as cabinet style "Travette" or "Companion" (78, 78, 77, 38, 12Z3).
Both are also described in detail on that Inside back cover with bigger pictures.
June 1933, page 19, Crosley Twelve (12 tubes) for $ 59.99. Page 20, Crosley Leader D for $ 17.50 with 4 tubes, dual range, cathedral cabinet.
July 1933, page 27: Crosley line: Casa D, four 5 tube dual range models, Gothic Midget, Cabriolet, Sheraton and a low boy. With 7 tubes Gothic Midget, Celarette (with drop front lid exposing set) and a lowboy. Two 10-tube models, a midget and a lowboy as well as two 12 tubers and a 14-tube lowboy. Also a SW converter and remote speakers like "Repose", or "Fire Screen" are described and priced.
January 1934, page 30
"A complete new line of moderne radios and a new Tri-Shelvador refrigerator were shown fo the first time at the convention of the Crosly Radio Corp, Cincinnati, Jan 3 and 4:":
Dual 70 Lowboy (photo+folder), Dual Fiver Lowboy $ 39.50, Dual Fiver table $ 26, Dual Sixty Lowboy $ 50, Dual Sixty table $ 35, Dual Seventy Lowboy $ 59.90, Dual Seventy midget $ 45, Dual Ten Moderne $ 69.50, Dual Twelve Moderne $ 85 - all for 540-3495 kc. Travette Moderne $ 28, Forty, an uprigtht table radio, wod $ 19.99, New Fiver, similar in design $ 23.50, Travo $ 18.50, Travo De Luxe wood $ 19.95. New: Car radio Roamio 103 for $ 44.50.
Only Travette from the folder is missing here. But all except Dual Seventy and Dual Seventy Lowboy and Dual Twelve Moderne were featured in RR December 1933, Travo in June 1933 - but Travo is known in two slightly different cabinets! See also the price difference: June $ 12.99, December $ 18.50! December in RR means that RR must have had the data at least a month before - November or October.
The folder reflects the new sets only and was at least also done for this exhibition.
The main question is: Were they sold before Christmas or only in 1934?
Ads in consumer publications could answer this.
By the way: Inside back cover of the 1933 Radio Retailing there is mostly a full paged add for Crosley Electrical Refrigerator like the Shelvador or models D-35 ($ 89.50), D-45 and D-60 for $ 130 (June 1933). But also car radios like "Roamio 102" for $ 37.50 and Deluxe Roamio "99" für $ 49.95 in July 1933 are promoted there.
1933/34 or 1934?
The editors of "Radio Retailing" create some pages under "New Merchandise ..." This below shows a part from issue January 1934, page 30. Here again remains the question of how long before has the information come in before and when was the last date to prepare the monthly magazine. This text below with pictures can in conjunction with earlier and later ads and other sources tell us if the models are for 1933/34 or very early models for 1934.
Edited text in "Radio Retailing" January 1934, page 30.
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Crosley season 1934/1935
I miss a folder or other primary information about the Crosley radios 1935 (for eason 1934/35).
Who can send us a scan of a folder or other primary information (like ads) for that period?
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Crosley season 1935/1936
I could only copy an eBay offer of a folder "The new 1936 Crosley Radios". It is of such poor quality that I just use the basic information for that Crosley season 1935/36.
List of the (32) models found:
New Travo, $ 25.00, 4-tube superheterodyne for AC/DC 110 Volts. Two double purpose knobs, pilot light. Moving coil electrodynamic speaker. Tubes 78, 6F7 (IF) 45 (output), 25Z5.
Fiver, $ 19.99,
5-tube superheterodyne, 2 bands
Galleon, $ 29.95
Galleon Console, $ 44.50
Privateer, $ 25.00
32 DC Six, $ 47.50
32 DC Six Console, $ 64.50
Roamio A145, $ 36.95
Roamio A155, $ $ 47.50
Back side:
Cruiser, $ 47.50
Cruiser Console, $ 59.50
Buccaneer, $ 39.95
Olympia, $ 45.00
Buccaneer Console, $ 54.50
Olympia Console, $ 59.95
Clipper, $ 85.00
Constitution, $ 99.95
Corsair, $ 55.00
Merrimac, $ 65.00
Corsair Console, $ 69.95, Merrimac Console, $ 79.95
Viking, $ 65.00
Monitor, $ 77.50
Viking Console, $ 85.00
Monitor Console, $ 97.50
Clipper Console, $ 100.00
Constitution Console, $ 115.00
Battery Four, $ 19.99, Battery Five, $ 29.95
Battery Five Console, $ 49.95
Battery Six, $ 69.50
Battery Six Console, $ 84.50
Battery Eight, $ 59.95
Battery Eight Console, $ 74.50
An other folder ?
In bold is the content above, in blue when not found above (additional)
The Crosley folder "The new Crosley Radios for 1936" from 1935, Form No. 1594, shows the following models:
Table radios 5 tube: Fiver ($ 19.99), Privateer ($ 25), Crosley A.F.M ($ 29.95).
Consoles 5 tube: A.F.M. Console ($ 47.50), Fiver Console ($ 37.50).
New Travo as a 4 tube AC/DC receiver for $ 25 as the only table radio which is not a tombstone.
On one page (if totally unfolded) and on the other side:
Table radios 6 tubes:
Buccaneer ($ 39.95), Olympia (Metal Tubes, $ 45), Cruiser (same as Buccaneer but for AC/DC 110, $ 47.50).
Table radios 7 tubes:
Corsair ($ 55), Viking (5 band, $65).
Table radios 8 tubes:
Merrimac ($ 65).
The same chassis went into consoles:
Buccaneer Console for $ 54.50, Olympia Console $ 95.95, Cruiser Console $ 59.50,
Corsair Console $ 79.95, Merrimac Console $ 89.95, Viking Console $ 85.00,
Monitor Console $ 97.50, Challenger Console $ 115 (above called Constitution Console), Barkentine Console $ 137.50 and
Dreadnaught Console for $ 149.50.
What we miss in this folder, compared to the one above:
Galleon, $ 29.95, Galleon Console, $ 44.50, 32 DC Six, $ 47.50, 32 DC Six Console, $ 64.50, Roamio A145, $ 36.95, Ramio A155, $ 47.50, Clipper, $ 85.00, Constitution, $ 99.95, Monitor, $ 77.50, Clipper Console, $ 100.00, Constitution Console is probably "Challenger Console", $ 115.00 and 7 Battery radios.
The highlights listed for Crosley model 1936 are Auto Expressionator, Automatic Bass Compensator, Cardiamatic Unit, High Fidelity, Vibracoustic Sounding Board, Magnum Dial With Timelog Tuning and Shadowgraph Tuning Monitor. Naturally not each of the models show these features.
What is missing in this folder is the numeric designations like Buccaneer 635-M or 635 and we don't know perhaps all variants and the reasons for them (later, earlier?) as can be seen on Buccaneer as one with wooden knobs or knobs of Bakelite.
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Crosley Service Supplement Index
From my Crosley material, there are individual "Crosley Service Bulletins", which were later called "Crosley Service Supplements". These are labeled individually, with my set starting with No 32 and ending with No 300 (although I am missing some which include 233 thru 266).
There is an interesting Index that came with this material, which cross references the Sales Name, Sales Model Number, Chassis Number and model year. The index is shown below. Since this index starts with supplement 51, there must be an earlier index which I assume starts with bulletin #1.
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Crosley Model Cross Reference List
From the "Crosley Service Manual, 1943 and Earlier", there is also a Model-Chassis Cross reference List that is helpful to this thread.
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