crosley: VIII;
crosley: VIII;

The Crosley VIII incorporates one stage of Crosley tuned radio frequency amplification, detector and one stage of audio amplfication.
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Very nice pictures - model can be updated
Dear Alan
You uploaded wonderful pictures about your rare model, thank you.
This is also reflected in your sollection page, which you and guests find with the link "Collections" on the search page (Home page). I link it here too.
You did the same with your also rare Crosley - but you began uploading a flier, which shows now in your collection. But you can go there and use the "sort function" to bring in the main picture.
You can also enlarge your text in the profile and upload your photo - and even "private pictures" like vitrines, worshop or even family etc.
For this model here I recommend to roll over your mouse at "Uploads and questions" and then click "Data change etc." to put in missing dates like tube line up, size, waveband (presumably the broadcast band (you can select) etc. You are a member since only 3 days and I'm amazed how much activity you have achieved. Thank you for the cooperation.
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Crosley VIII

1922 seems not to be correct According to all three available literature sources the model VIII was advertised as Special only in Jan.1923 for $50, In Feb.1923 the price dropped to $48.
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Anser to Konrad about 1922 Crosley VIII

1922 is most certainly the correct year for this radio. Porcelain tube socket/wooden book condensors/ tuning dials only used in 1922. This is not the VIII special that I have pictured, the special had a larger wood case to accomadate dry cell batteries inside. Not that you would know but I probably know as much about early Crosley radios as anyone alive. When I upload pictures of a model I also upload suporting documention such as in this case a picture from a 1922 Crosley catalog showing this model at the $48 price. I can also upload Crosley advertisements from various 1922 QST and Radio News magazines showing this exact model if that would be helpful. I do all of my research from period sources be it catalogs or magazine advertisements. Several of the resources you site as reference are fraught with errors in models from the early years of radio and I try and verify everything I publish. This is one of the reasons I joined this forum is to help straighten out the mis-information in some of the early models.
Alan Larsen
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Crosley VIII

Thank You for the clarification! We never finish learning.
In this case we shall alter the Year to 1922 - 1923. ok?
Your knowledge is appreciated.
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Thanks for the kind words.

Greetings Ernst,
Thank you for your kind words about my pictures I have uploaded. I had to get IrfanView and learn how to resize the pictures but I found a plugin that allows me to save the resized picture as a web picture. By now clicking on the "save for web" option I see the size of the file and use a slide to adjust the percentage to get under the 120K limit. Pretty simple now that I have mastered it.
I also had a question for you and Kobi. Do you think it would be useful to list the radio/amp combinations as a seperate model so we can show pictures of the receiver and amp together? I have almost all of the receiver amp combinations that Crosley ever offered. For example Harko Senior/Two Step amp in three different versions, Crosley V/IV amp, 50/50A and many others. In 1922 Crosley tried to market their line of little box sets as something you could upgrade over time. Buy the Crosley VI today and then buy the Two Step amp later and you have the equivalent of a Crosley X. I ask this question because I have a special fondness for any early Receiver seperate Amp combinations and have in my collection close to 100 different such combos that I would love to share over time.
Alan Larsen
PS I told you if you gave me a free membership I would be a fruitful addition and I don't plan to disappoint.
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Hi Alan,
I think we should have such combinations if referable in printing. Not every possible combination, of course
Let's use for Name: combination
and in the Type field the components as brief as possible not to exceed the field length.
We shall see and can make rearrangements when Your first proposal will arrive.
Please start with only one to avoid revisions to the follow ups if necessary from the initial one.
Good luck!
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