Data correction request

ID: 540577
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

? Data correction request 
06.Jun.20 17:55

Ottó Jancsek (H)
Articles: 49
Count of Thanks: 12
Ottó Jancsek


I have a GRG 250/3000. It has UX4 base. I checked the photos on RMORG, and they also shows UX base. The pin asigment in the catalogue also shows UX base.  Is it possible to correct it on Its page?

Best Regards,



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Data correction request 
08.Jun.20 09:05
70 from 903

Jacob Roschy (D)
Articles: 1778
Count of Thanks: 6
Jacob Roschy

Hello Otto,

now it is fixed. Please upload your base diagram to the tube page.

Best Regards,

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.