tokyo2: Dating NR-52F1
tokyo2: Dating NR-52F1
Here´s the simple clou how to date these japanese world receivers, regardless if branded als Tokyo Skylark, Marc, Shebro or Globephone ICF-2003DX : Just look at the small paper sheet with the "FINAL INSPECT. NO.", in the battery compartment. The first left 2 digits show the year (known values in 2020 are 76-79), followed by the month (known values in 2020 are 01-11). The last 4 right digits give the actual series- No. I´m quite sure they started the series- No. with 0001 at the beginning of every new month.
For this result, I inspected about 15 devices (, ebay, further internet pics, own receiver). While maintaining my own "Skylark" I carefully inspected it for for further dating hints, but found no other (except the SN76007 integrated AF Amp datecode)
Boris Witke
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tokyo2: Dating NR-52F1
Ganz herzlichen Dank für den Hinweis, bei mir stehen ein
- Tokyo Skylark: schwarze Tasten, gelbe Skala, S/N N 78 06 0050
- Marc Double Conversion: silbrige Tasten, weiss - grün - gelbe Skala, S/N 77 04 0015
Lieber Gruss Martin Bösch
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tokyo2: Dating NR-52F1
Hallo, bei mir kamen und gingen
- Tokyo Skylark NR-52F1 S-Nr. 76 11 0646
- Globephone ICF 2003 DX S-Nr. 79 04 0118
Sie wurden auch als Hallicrafters TW-1200 vermarktet
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