Die Röhre im UKW empfanger I,II,III - Uploaded
? Die Röhre im UKW empfanger I,II,III - Uploaded
FM enthusiasts, Peter Millett has a wonderful freely downloadable repository of technical books at
Peter has provided space on his web site for my scan of the three volumes of "Die Röhre im UKW empfanger". This book is In German, but the scan quality is adequate for use with German OCR from Google, which can then be pasted into Google-translate.
This book may be familiar to the forum, as it is a frequent source of material for Herr Hans Knoll and Prof Ing. Dietmar Rudolf in recent discussions about triode mixers in FM radios and related topics. I was introduced to this book by these gentlemen. Herr Knoll used this book as a reference when he was designing Grundig Tube Radios on the 1960's.
Please feel free to use any material from these scans in this forum, or anywhere else.
The following is an excerpt from Peter Millett's page for the free download of this book.
NEW 4/25/08 - Die Röhre im UKW-Emfänger, Afred Nowak, Rudolf Cantz, & Wilhelm Engbert, 1959 - Thanks to Joe Sousa!
This German-language book is a very thorough treatment of FM receiver design. Split into three volumes, the first covers FM detection, the second mixers for FM receivers, and the third IF amplifier stages for FM receivers.
Volume 1 (129 pages) Download full text, CAUTION LARGE 49MB PDF file
Volume 2 (110 pages) Download full text, CAUTION LARGE 66MB PDF file
Volume 3 (146 pages) Download full text, CAUTION LARGE 47MB PDF file
The links pasted above are not active, so it may be easiest to go directly to Peter's web page.
I am posting this thread as a question, so that a German Language member or moderator may provide a suitable translation as German Language post.
With many thanks to Peter Millett (www.pmillett.com),
Best regards.
To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.
Buch: Die Röhre im UKW-Empfänger 1959 im Internet verfügbar

Das dreibändige Werk
Die Röhre im UKW-Emfänger von Afred Nowak, Rudolf Cantz, & Wilhelm Engbert, 1959
ist eine umfassende Quelle zum Verständnis der Arbeitsweise eines UKW-Empfängers: im ersten Band wird auf die Demodulation von FM - Aussendungen, im zweiten Band auf Mischer in FM-Empfängern und im dritten Band auf ZF-Verstärker zum Einsatz in FM-Empfängern eingegangen.
Unser U.S.-Mitglied Joe Sousa hat die Werke in verdankenswerter Weise gescannt und stellt sie auf der Website eines Freundes zum Download bereit:
Vorsicht: grosse Dateien 47 - 66 MB!
Viel Vergnügen bei der Lektüre & besten Dank an Joe Sousa
Martin Bösch
To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.