Early advertisements for Crosley and Americo

ID: 279153
Early advertisements for Crosley and Americo 
13.Feb.12 19:55

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 9
Ernst Erb

We concentrate here all advertisements we can of Crosley Radio in an ascending order by date. But we start with some ads from "Americo" ("American Automobile Accessories Company") which was in 1921 renamed to Crosley Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio and in 1924 to "The Crosley Radio Corporation", often shown as just "Crosley Radio" or even only as "Crosley".

This is a separate part of the thread Crosley Radio models - sources for the beginning 1921-1930, which is joint with the models concerned and shows part of these ads. It gives some insight to the Crosley history in those years, focussing also the models.

1916: Americo - car accessories:



1921 Radios and parts under the name Crosley:


Left: "QST" June 1921, page 115.
Dept "Q"

The ad left for the "Crosley Magfon", an enclosed horn loudspeaker, driven with one headphone might be the first ad made by Crosley for radio related besides cabinets which crosley did already for quite a time.


Above: "QST" July 1921 + August 1921.
Dept. Q.S.T. #2
July is page 115, August is page 111.

In both months the same ad was in QST, with the same Dept.-Code "Q.S.T. #2". Maybe there is one with #1 before ...

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Leerfeld *********

"Radio News" November 1921, page 441.
Radio Dept. R-5

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Advertisements 1922 
20.Feb.12 17:18
2 from 2597

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 10
Ernst Erb

Advertisements in 1922 in chronological sequence:


February:  Radio News page 725: Senior 3 step., Detector Unit, Two Step. Amp.

April: QST page 138 Detector Unit, Storage Battery; Radio News page 990.
May: (April-May Radio News page 990 with still overhanging lid, but var.cond. A,B,C).

July: QST page 135: Harko Senior V and 2 Step Amplifier. WLW Radio Apparatus.

August: Radio Broadcast (combination of 3, logo), Radio News page 215 = Harko Senior V

Radio News page 406: model RFTA, 5, 6, X, XV, XX.
Radio News page 407: 8 different combinations.

October: Radio News page ???, models V, VI, X. Sheltran transformer (but old Rheostat).


December: Crosley Catalog page 11 with V-A, V-B, V-C with regeneration (and without).

Two Step Amplifier with front switch - Combination with Harko Sr.
Letters and Models V-A, V-B, V-C new regenerative.


We have no knowledge about advertisements in January.
  February 1922 Radio News page 725


April 1922 QST page 138 April - May 1922 issue Radio News page 990


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