ECH42 Variante mit Gasbinder
? ECH42 Variante mit Gasbinder
ECH42 Gesamt, Mullard
Es befinden sich zwei Gasbinder auf der Außenabschirmung
ECH42 Philips Codierung
SH = ECH42
3 = 3. Ausführung
5 = Factory Code = Toshiba, Japan ???
1 = 1950 oder 1953 oder 1956 ???
D = Monat April ???
ECH42 Gasbinder
ECH42 Gasbinder, Seitensicht
Die Seitenteile sind angehoben, um den Gaszutritt zum Gasbinder zu ermöglichen
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ECH42 Variante mit Gasbinder
![Wolfgang Bauer](
Sg. Herr Eisenbarth,
meine Miniwatt ECH42 mit Gasbinder.
Code: P C 6 / ± 3 K I
MfG. WB.
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ECH42 Variante mit Gasbinder
![Dietmar Rudolph † 6.1.22](
Die Codierung meiner ECH42 lautet: "PG6" & "±3H2"
Leider ist die Stempelung auf dem Boden der Röhre (links) so schwach, daß diese kaum lesbar ist.
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ECH42 Variante mit Gasbinder
Some observations, also partially pertaining to the closed topic ech42_ohne_sichtbaren_getter.html
I suspect the getter technology is the same as used in (colour) picture tubes and special valves, hence it was still relevant to do research in the 1960's or even take out patents in the 1970's as was mentioned in the other thread.
I have seen ECH42 with solid state getter from 2 factories. There was probably a reason that this type was chosen, but I'm not sure what reason.
From Chartres, France (factory sign ±, may have been mistaken for a + in the other topic) revision PC6 with a fritted on bottom, manufactured around 1963 (PC7 from late 1964 has a normal getter, as does the previous PC4 from early 1962, not sure about PC5)
From (what is almost certainly) Eindhoven, a factory department for somewhat smallish batches mainly rimlock and loctal (factory sign 5, which may have also been used for Toshiba, probably after this department closed down), revision SH3 with a modern molten on bottom, manufactured around 1961 possibly a somewhat longer production run than in the French factory.
This fits exacty with the valves shown in this topic.
PC6 ±3H2 (PC, rev 6, ± = France, 3 = 1963, H = august, 2 = 2nd week)
PC6 ±3K1 (PC, rev 6, ± = France, 3 = 1963, K = november, 1 = 1st week)
SH3 51D (SH, rev 3, 5 = Eindhoven?, 1 = 1961, D = april)
It's also unlikely that this is a slowly vaporised getter, which was suggested in the other topic, as it's directed inwards and would then contaminate the system during activation. It's likely directed inwards because it will more directly absorb any contamination and does not need to be activated/vaporised.
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