eddystone: 930 (S930); waveband coverage of variants

ID: 134987
eddystone: 930 (S930); waveband coverage of variants 
01.Mar.07 22:22

Martin Bösch (CH)
Articles: 612
Count of Thanks: 6
Martin Bösch

The 930 did exist in an abundant number of variants with different waveband coverage, mainly used for monitoring puposes.

Variant coverage (waveband) Variant coverage (waveband)
930 70 - 90 MHz 930/1 100 - 120 MHz
930/2 85 - 102 MHz 930/3 110 - 130 MHz
930/4 70 - 90 MHz (as 930) 930/5 100 - 120 MHz (as 930/1)
930/6 27 - 28 MHz 930/7 90 - 110 MHz
930/8 80 - 96 MHz 930/10 60 - 76 MHz
930/11 80 - 100 MHz 930/12 45 - 55 MHz

Further informations:
930/12: completely self contained set with incorporated power supply and speaker.

We are very interested in further informations, about which services did make use of the different variants of this model and about the purpose of use.
Thanks Martin

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02.Mar.07 15:04

John Turrill (GB)
Articles: 81
Count of Thanks: 6

           I wonder if you've discovered this site which has many
Eddystone manuals etc.?
I suppose they might be the people to help with the information.
Good luck,
          Just remembered I have a bit more information with
regard to the sets made for the British Army, - when I can
dig it out!

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02.Mar.07 23:18

John Turrill (GB)
Articles: 81
Count of Thanks: 7

              here are a few Eddystones as used by the army,  --------
Model 358 (1940)               Model   730 - 4 (1959)
range A --22 - 31mHz,       Range  1 -- 12.3 - 30mHz
          B -- 9 - 25 mHz                      2 -- 5.3 - 12.5mHz
          C -- 4.5 - 9mHz                      3 -- 5.3 - 12.5mHz
          D -- 2.1 - 4.5mHz                  4 -- 2.5 - 5.7mHz 
          E -- 1.25 - 2.1mHz                5 -- 1.11 - 2.15mHz 
          F -- 0.6 - 1.24  mHz              6 -- 0.48 - 1.12mHz
          G -- 300 - 600kHz
          H -- 150 - 300kHz
          I --   90 - 150kHz
         J -- 40 - 90kHz 
Modell 770R (army no. R213) (1961)
rANGE 1 -- 105 - 165mHz             4 -- 37-55mHz
               2 -- 75 - 114mHz             5 -- 26 - 39mHz 
                3 -- 54 - 78mHz               6 -- 19 -27mHz 
These are as published in,  in "Wireless for the Warrior"
by Louis Muelstee Vol 3, and elsewhere.

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