elektronsk: EI NIŠ RR230 - model update
ID: 489697
This article refers to the model: RR230 plastic grille, wide, 2x ECH81 (Ei, Elektronska Industrija; Niš - see also RR)
elektronsk: EI NIŠ RR230 - model update
08.Oct.18 16:31
Model with two ECH81 tubes has officiall name RR230C.
I have schematics with some other confirming documents, and i'll upload them with pictures when Set will be ready.
Very often EX YU models (especially EI, RR, and Tesla) have wrong model designation on back wall.
So, most of them ( models RR230, RR230A. RR230B and RR230C ) are signed only with RR230.
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