elektronsk: München

ID: 111923
elektronsk: München 
10.May.06 11:53

Berislav Bradaric (HR)
Articles: 48
Count of Thanks: 11

Originally producer name of this set was "Korina".

Producer gave different names for export types depending of Country where was exported, usually by city names in exported Country.
I was upload an original producer schematic diagram to the model.

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10.May.06 18:25

Franz-Josef Haffner (D)
Articles: 612
Count of Thanks: 7
Franz-Josef Haffner

Hi Mr. Bradaric,

2 yeas ago we had a diskussion about this manufacturer. Now, with your help, the mystery is solved:


ich schlage vor verschiedene Modelle anzulegen? München, Frankfurt, Augsburg?


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12.May.06 00:09

Berislav Bradaric (HR)
Articles: 48
Count of Thanks: 7

I was upload an original producer "Korina" data sheet to the model,
but administrator deleted them.
If anybody need this schematic diagram, just e-mail me
and I will gladely send them to anyone who needed.
Best regards

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Don't give up 
12.May.06 07:46

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 6
Ernst Erb

Dear Berislav
There must be a reason that the administrator denied. Can you give that to me?
Please eMail me your plan and perhaps I can tell you the reason and we can correct the problem?

In any case: You should not offer schematics by eMail but try to get a solution that this can be uploaded to the model. We can not be a good organisation the other way round. It is not our spirit. Thank you.

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