Elka 101 service information - radio fernsehen elektronik

ID: 499399
? Elka 101 service information - radio fernsehen elektronik 
27.Nov.18 11:19

Vencislav Dochev (BG)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 14
Vencislav Dochev


I have calculator elka 101,135. These are 70s calculators.

I am looking for service documentation. They were sold in Switzerland. And send to DDR.

Apparenly there are two pages in  DDR Magazine RFE, 1974, Heft 24, S. 793/794

Can someone send me the two pages, please (793,794) ?

Or confirm they have the schematic.


Thank you

Also if you have this:



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Elka 101 service information - radio fernsehen elektronik 
28.Nov.18 00:24
42 from 2119

Franz Harder (D)
Articles: 242
Count of Thanks: 8

Please have a look to the LiteratureFinder. With the search for 'rfe' you will find
the requested publication 'radio fernsehen elektronik (rfe) [DDR]'

For issue 24 / 1974, a title page does exist, that has been scanned and loaded
by a member of radiomuseum.org. So you may have a good chance to get the
required info or even the copies when you ask the owner of that issue.

Good luck !

(admin LitFinder)

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Elka 101 service information - radio fernsehen elektronik 
28.Nov.18 17:58
82 from 2119

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1735
Count of Thanks: 6
Bernhard Nagel

Hello Vencislav

The mentioned two pages has been published in rfe 24/1975, not 1974! The ELKA pocket calculators 101 and 130 has been introduced there. With compliments to the GFGF-Archiv (Hainichen, Germany) they have been uploaded now. Unfortunately, there is no schematic present in the article.

In January 1976, another ELKA 135 calculator (scientific) is described. See two pages from rfe 1/1976, also derived from GFGF-Archiv material.

Since these 3 pocket calculators are early examples from Bulgarian production, it should be worth to create new model pages for them.

But first the Bulgarian institute needs to be created as a new "manufacturer":

The Central Institute of Computer Engineering (abbreviated CEIT) is a historical Bulgarian research institute, a division of DSO "ISOT".

It was founded on March 1, 1966, with the subject of scientific and applied research and development in the field of electronic computing. On 17 October 1994 the institute was transformed into "Business Innovation Center - IZOT" AD.

[translated from wikipedia

Централният институт по изчислителна техника (съкратено ЦИИТ) е исторически български научноизследователски институт, подразделение на ДСО „ИЗОТ“.

Основан е на 1 март 1966 г. с предмет научно-приложни изследвания и развойна дейност в областта на електронно-изчислителната техника. На 17 октомври 1994 г. институтът е преобразуван в „Бизнес иновационен център – ИЗОТ“ АД. ]

More can be found here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELKA (copy in your browser).

Would you propose company and the ELKA calculators as new models?

Thank you for your assistance and kind regards
Bernhard Nagel

(model admin)


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Elka 101 service information - radio fernsehen elektronik 
29.Nov.18 10:17
121 from 2119

Vencislav Dochev (BG)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 7
Vencislav Dochev

Hello All,

 Thank you for taking the time to respond.

  I have several calculators of those and  starting to collect a lot of

information.  I will send it to you as it needs to be filtered probably.

 Schematic could not find. However sat down one day and been

able to make out the main connections. I can send hand made

scketches. If that meets requirements.

  I hope that when I have the time (around Christmas maybe) I will be able

to start the process. Sorry for that.




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