elpo: P-508; Miernik lamp

ID: 83636
elpo: P-508; Miernik lamp 
22.Dec.05 21:44

Konstantin Chachin (RUS)
Articles: 33
Count of Thanks: 20

These verifiers were delivered in the USSR. In Moscow I know four such devices. On my portal they are described:


there is also a scheme - http://www.magictubes.ru/text/app/p508sx.djv

They acquisition the instruction and the scheme. All is available.

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23.Dec.05 09:37

Peter Breu (D)
Articles: 399
Count of Thanks: 31
Peter Breu

Could you please load all the schemas and instruction manuals to this side, because I cannot open this files.
With best regards
Peter Breu

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23.Dec.05 09:47

Arpad Roth † 27.3.17 (A)
Articles: 1023
Count of Thanks: 22
Arpad Roth † 27.3.17

Hallo Herr Breu,
der Plan hat entpackt etwa 180MB, ist eine Blaupause und schlecht zu lesen.
Ich hatte ihn schon geholt, aber wegen schlechter Qualität wieder verworfen.
Um diesen Plan hier im RM.org einstellen zu können, müßte er mindestens halbiert werden.
Schöne Feiertage.

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23.Dec.05 15:03

Konstantin Chachin (RUS)
Articles: 33
Count of Thanks: 20

I shall try to process and lay out the plan in the best condition. But the instruction is executed thus and badly moves to reduction a black-and-white format. The description in format DjVu borrows 50 M (in it many pages, with high quality of compression), and the scheme - 1,2 M. is more compact variant (5,7 M), but its quality noticeably is worse.


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