ever: 5214; All dry Battery Portable
ever: 5214; All dry Battery Portable

In 1940 over 1500 of these Ever Ready All Dry Portables were bought from a fund of 15,000£ given by Lord Nuffield. The radios were shipped to the British Expeditionary Forces (B.E.F.) in France. This would enable the B.E.F. to listen in to the BBC Forces Program.
On January 7th 1940 an experimental BBC program was started at 6pm on 342.1 metres (the wave being used by the Home Service during the day).
On February 18th it became a full daily programme from 11am to 11pm on 373.1 m during the day and on 342.1 m during the evening.
From March 17th on 261.1 m the BBC's Overseas Service was added, which was also put out after 10pm on the 373.1 m wave.
Ref.: Jonathan Hill, RadioRadio
Standard Superhet, powered by a huge combination battery for long life. Built in frame aerial.
Unusual valves: 1,4 V side contact types DK1 DF1 DAC1 DL2.
Due to supply shortage these types were gradually replaced by equivalent US octal types 1A7 1N5 1H5 1C5, made by Brimar. The pin allocation follows the same pattern.
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Ever Ready 5214
Thank you for the very interesting remarks, Konrad.
I had been puzzled when I was looking at my Ever Ready service sheet for this model. It has remarks on a page from the service technician about the tubes fitted in the receiver when received :-
V1 = 1A7G Brimar, V2=DF33 Mullard Red, V3=1H5G Brimar, V4 DL2 Ever Ready
It would therefore seem that there may have been an intermediate production with a mixture of valve bases fitted, although it is possible that the modifications could have been made after manufacture since the USA types were readily available made in the UK by Brimar.
(The circuit is identical for models 5214, 5215 and 5216)
Kind regards,
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Hi Roy,
The octals were fitted in the factory. Thats clearly visible from the wiring and how the sockets are fixed. I have both versions. And I used to have even an intermediate (mixed) version, where obviously also the modification happened during production. I gave it away, but I know definitely it used DK1 1N5 1H5 DL2. That is still different from the one You mentioned. Have a look to both models which I named early and late. I installed my intermediate variant now as well.
Kind regards,
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Ever Ready Lissen 'Comfort Sets' Model A Lissen 8514 8515
Hi KoBi,
Thank you for the further information. That would certainly confirm that there was at least one intermediate tube complement. I have looking at some more data to try to establish the history.
It is stated in the reference below that it was Lissen who were tasked to manufacture the "Comfort sets" for the UK forces. It was, of course, just about the time (1938/39) when Ever Ready were in the process of buying out Lissen so it was a Lissen Design but contractually Ever Ready.
"The Lissen factory at Islington was still in production and at the beginning of the second world war it obtained a ministry contract to assemble and repair "Comfort Sets" for the armed forces. All went well until 1941, when the factory was destroyed in an air raid. The company was tied to the ministry contract and so it was essential to quickly find new premises, and continue production. Initially manufacturing began again at Amersham, Buckinghamshire, but the buildings were too small and unsuitable for this kind of use. Space was found at Canal Works and in 1942 Ever Ready began to build radios in Wolverhampton. More space was still required and so the radio department soon made its final move to Block 'A' of the Park Lane works."
See EverReady
The same design and side-contact tube set is used in the Lissen 8514 and 8515.
The Ever Ready sets are the 5214 red/black case, 5215 gold/black case, 5216 blue/black case, 5217 and the 5218 which was a table model with larger cabinet and loudspeaker. These were released in June 1939 and September 1939 (model 5218).
Hence, contrary to some reports, the "Comfort Set" was based on an existing commercial design (The Lissen 8514) rather than a commercial set being derived from the former.
When released all used the DK1 DF1 DAC1 DL2 tube complement. Service data released in February 1940 and December 1940 also lists this tube complement.
The identical design but with different tubes dating from 1945 is known as the Ever Ready "type A". This is reported in "Radio and TV Servicing" as having two possible octal tube complements:-
DK32 DF33 DAC32 DL35 or 1A7G 1N5G 1H5G 1C5G.
This shows that there was a slow migration from the Lissen 8514 series, re-badged to Ever Ready 5214 series followed by the model A with tube changes during the life of both the Ever Ready models.
Whether your fine example was the only partial tube change is uncertain, but it should certainly be recorded as an interesting example.
Kind regards,
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Hi Roy,
My "intermediate" variant, not longer in my collection, was of entirely different colour: airforce blue(grayish), and it was owned by an RAF officer (F/LT. J.A.Smith), as there was a pencil note inside.
Kind regards,
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Ever Ready 4 valve battery receivers
Dear Konrad and Collectors,
It seems that we now have most pieces of the puzzle; the remaining questions are:-
1. Was the entertainment receiver issued to the troops always badged 5214? This would mean that there was an alternative colour.
2. What colour or difference was the 5217?
3. It would be good to have details of any other variations in tube complement for all the Ever Ready Sets, type 5214, 5215, 5215, 5216, 5217, 5218, Model A, and the also version issued to the troops.
If anyone has any of these receivers, please let us have any information so that we can complete the history and data on these sets. Thank you.
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Dear Roy,
I just found out that the "intermediate" I mentioned above could be a model 5216 ? But it is plain blue and has black knobs, dial and handle. It is not mottled blue/black as the 5214 is in red/black finish. If I understand correctly the "Trader" Service Sheet 450 does not mention a plain blue version, only blue/black. What now? Is it a special version for the troops? Or even exclusively for the RAF?
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Forces Entertainment Wireless Set
Dear Konrad,
There are various possiblities that I was hoping answers to the questions in post 6 could solve!
I was suspecting that the troops sets were differently identified and probably issued in 2 colours blue/RAF and khaki/Army. (The navy had receivers on board) Could these be the 5217 about which I can find no information?
With the rush for Ever Ready to issue sets, it could well be that some of the civilian sets already in stock were re-coloured and still had the civilian numbers. This could account for the "possible" 5216 that you had.
Hopefully someone can reply with more details; in the meantime how about entering a "Forces Entertainment" set to describe your interesting specimen? The actual type can be added later.
Alternatively 5216_RAF once it is certain that it IS badged as a 5216?
Best regards,
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Forces Entertainment Radio

Dear Roy,
unfortunately none of the three sets I can access is badged. There is not the faintest indication of which type it might be.
It is a good plan to install such a "Forces Entertainment" model as You suggested. I will do that and place the photos there.
The Forces Entertainment Radio has been installed
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