For Beginners: Introduction to RF spectrum part1

ID: 279805
For Beginners: Introduction to RF spectrum part1 
20.Feb.12 19:32

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1071
Count of Thanks: 29

Introduction to RF: part 1

Electromagnetic Spectrum, aerials, noise, bandwidth, propagation.


1. Background: What is Electromagnetic Spectrum?

RF is the lower part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum extends from low frequencies used for modern radio to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength end, covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometres down to a fraction of the size of an atom. The Frequency is (Speed of Light ) / Wavelength.

Thus the Frequency of 1metre Wavelength is 300MHz (300 Million Hertz) as the Speed of Light is about 300Million metres per second.. A Hertz is a Cycle Per Second, c/s or cps rather than Hz for Hertz on older documents.  If the Electromagnetic radiation is somehow converted to electricity, then the Frequency is the repetition rate of the same point in the waveform, which for a single frequency is always a perfect sine wave.

Graph of voltage or current Vs Time --->

1/(time between peaks) = Frequency in HZ or cps

The repetition of the signal is a Cycle.


The Hertz is named after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz, who made important scientific contributions to the study of electromagnetism. The name was established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 1930 as replacement for “cps”.

The Entire Spectrum


Infra Red

Visible Light



Gamma Rays

 (Long Wavelength = Low Frequency <-------> Short Wavelength = High Frequency)


The long wavelength limit is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length, although in principle the spectrum is infinite and continuous. 

Visible Light


There is no sharp division between sections of the spectrum.

Each colour is a single wavelength or Frequency

400 Terahertz / 750 nanometres to 789 Terahertz / 380 nanometres

Colours in rainbow or sunlight spread by a Prism



Notice the Magenta type colours don’t exist. Our eyes work by overlapping sensitivity to the Red, Green and Blue part of Spectrum.  Deep yellow  we see can be really sodium lighting (Mostly yellow) or a flower that absorbs every colour except Yellow. But also a suitable mix of pure Red and Green light will appear to be yellow. This is why Colour TV works with only three Colours. But what if there is a mix of Red and Blue Lights without Green? We will know this is not Green as we can “see” Green. Instead we see colours that don’t exist on the Electromagnetic Spectrum as they are always a mix of two or more Wavelengths (frequencies).


Magenta Family of Colours

These are all mixes of more than one colour of light.

A CRT, LCD, Plasma, LCOS, DLP, LED, OLED or Laser screen or projector only has 3 (or occasionally 4) colours of light. If you use it as illumination a really orange, yellow or cyan object will be dark. It only appears to create the spectrums above as a kind of "illusion" that works because of how we perceive colour. Thus a Red, Green andf Blue LED shining on a screen can appear to be any colour or white, if viewed directly but if used as illuminaton most "real world" objects will not have the same colour as illuminated by true white light (which contains millions of colours rather than three.

2: Radio Waves

Radio waves are usable from 10kHz to 400GHz, that’s Wavelengths of  30km down to 0.00075m (below 1mm).

From 150KHz to 25GHz frequencies are  commonly used for communication and Broadcast.

Long | Medium | Short (HF) | VHF | UHF | SHF / Microwave

(Long Wavelength = Low Frequency <-------> Short Wavelength = High Frequency)

Approximate Bands

VLF                   10kHz ... 60kHz   (Whistlers, Submarine)

LF                     60kHz ... 150kHz (Beacons)

Long                  150kHz ... 300kHz  (Europe, North Africa Broadcast, USA Beacons)

Medium              500kHz  ... 1.6MHz  (A.K.A. "Broadcast")

Short or HF        1.6MHz ... 30MHz

VHF                  30MHz ... 300MHz

UHF                  300MHz ... 1GHz

Microwave         1GHz ... 40 GHz

EHF                  40GHz ... 400GHz

Just like “Red” Light gradually appears “Orange” then “Yellow” as frequency increases the “bands” are conventions, there is no sudden change, only a drift of  characteristics.

Some common bands Important to TV & Satellite.

  • VHF Band II (FM Radio) is 87MHz ... 108MHz, (only 104MHz in some countries). Japan uses about 76MHz ... 90MHz.
  • VHF Band III  approximately 175MHz ... 280MHz, also used for DAB.
  • UHF TV is 470MHz ... 864MHz
  • Satellite TV C band approximately  3.5GHz ... 4.2GHz.
  • Satellite Ku Band 10.7GHz ... 12.7GHz
  • VSAT Ku Uplinks 14GHz ... 18GHz
  • Satellite Ka Band 18GHz ... 20GHz (usually a lot less than 2GHz is used)
  • VSAT Ku Uplinks 20GHz ... 23GHz (approximately)
  • Satellite IF Nominally within 950MHz to 2100MHz except for USA DirecTv


3: Reception and Transmission

All Radio reception and transmission uses aerials. Sometimes these are called Antenna. Even a satellite dish is simply a mirror to concentrate the radio signals into a very small aerial a few mm long inside the LNB (Low Noise Block) on the arm facing the dish.

Frequency, Analogue and Digital

There is no such aerial as a DTT, MPEG4 or Digital Aerial. The only difference between aerials is that the size for same number of elements or a dipole is directly proportional to frequency. A 50MHz aerial design will work at 500MHz or 5GHz if every dimension (including rod diameter) is scaled. In practice there is a small range of sizes desirable for width of plate elements or diameter of equivalent pure rod elements. Also the current only really flows on the surface so larger rods can be hollow with no change in performance. Radio waves are no different for Analogue and Digital. Only the method of Modulation is different. Even Analogue can use AM, FM, PM/NBFM, SSB or spread spectrum. Analogue can use single or multiple carriers.

Digital values are encoded as analogue changes in the Radio signal, since that allows more information to be transmitted. Only Morse code (also known as CW = Continuous Wave) and simple TV IR remotes carried over 433MHz use “real” digital RF (i.e. the RF carrier is turned on or off. This is also called OOK = On Off Keying and simple ASK = Amplitude Shift Keying with only two levels). Real digital transmissions use a minimum of 4 analogue values on satellite QPSK (DVB-S, Quad Phase Shift Keying). Cable TV Digital may use a carrier with 256 different possible combinations of amplitude and phase (256 QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation).  The DVB-t version of Terrestrial TV uses about 1,700 (2K mode) or 6,700 (8K mode) carriers instead of the single carrier of Cable TV. Each carrier can then be modulated 1,700 to 6,700 times slower. Each carrier on DVB-T is either QPSK,  16QAM or 64QAM. The speed of modulation of a digital signal is the symbol rate and symbol rate x number of carriers is the absolute minimum bandwidth used.  256 QAM sends 8 bits of data per symbol and QPSK sends only 2 bits of data per symbol. This is covered in detail in Digital Modulation Theory. Even so-called “Digital Tuners” are mostly still analogue at the aerial end.


4: Propagation

While UHF and especially VHF does not need the quality of Line Of Sight (LOS) of Microwave, the losses from obstructions can make the signal unusable. Examples are large nearby trees, tall buildings, hills and mountains. Sometimes a large object in the middle of the distance can help (diffraction) or hinder (Interference due to Fresnel Zone).

Line-of-sight is the direct propagation of radio waves between antennas that are visible to each other. This is probably the most common of the radio propagation modes at VHF and higher frequencies. Because radio signals can travel through many non-metallic objects, radio can be picked up through many objects. Attenuation is then much higher than the normal inverse square law (double distance gives ½ the signal) Group C/D UHF is attenuated by objects and more strictly LOS than Group A UHF. Band II FM VHF is best and Band III DAB is between.

Ground plane reflection effects are important factor in VHF and UHF propagation. The interference between the direct beam line-of-sight and the ground reflected beam often leads to an effective inverse-fourth-power, i.e. the signal can be reduced to 1/16th for double frequency or distance. Reflections from hills, trees and buildings cause “Ghosting” on Analogue TV. On Digital if the Ghosting is within the Guard band timing limits the effect is the same as multiple transmitters in a SFN (Single Frequency Network). On digital it may be possible to alleviate breakup in picture due to Wind Farms or large trees moving by combining two aerials at opposite ends of the house. On analogue this would increase the signal by 3dB but would usually create a very bad ghost effect.

It’s thus can be  important to have the aerial about 1m above the chimney because if it’s below the top of the chimney stack the nearby roofs will be seriously affecting the signal. An aerial in the attic can be 6dB to 12dB worse, with potentially too much ghosting even for Digital TV.  Unless you can actually see the transmitter mast from the window and indoor aerial could have up to 20dB loss and very severe multi-path compare to a roof aerial.  However it’s possible a better signal by 12dB to 18dB is on a wall only 2m above ground compared to a poor multipath signal on chimney if there are mature deciduous trees as they are very tall (20m+) and the lowest boughs can be well above ground exposing the TV mast site to a lower wall mounted aerial 

Path loss with frequency. (1GHz/1000MHz to 100GHz)

Received Noise and sources vs. Frequency

Path loss and background noise can be reduced by either more transmitter power, more directional (higher gain) transmitter aerial,  more directional (higher gain) receiving aerial or moving closer. More height helps. As a rule of thumb the “starting” height for good reception is about 45’ (14m), or just above chimney height. For a Line Of Sight (LOS) transmitter additional height has little effect. If the transmitter is not perfect LOS or near horizon (optical or radio), then you need to roughly double the height to get 3dB more gain or significant extra range. Hence most Mobile masts are about 12m to 15m (30’ to 50’) and most Mobile Radio or Tetra masts are about 25m to 30m (about 90’). This is also why TV masts are not only on hill tops but even “fill in” sites are usually at least 25m tall.

The type of Modulation for Analogue and Digital systems and the bandwidth affects the Signal to Noise Ratio for the same aerial, distance and power. Thus speech on SSB (2.5kHz minimum) and speech on FM (about 12kHz to 100kHz) at same power and frequency have different range. The narrow band SSB carries much further. The FM is a little like Digital. Up to a certain SNR (distance) it sounds fine, then it “falls of a cliff” and quickly gets very noisy then un-intelligible before vanishing into the background noise. Digital simply has a sharper cliff. You don’t either receive perfect or not. There is a narrow band of SNR where the sound or image degrades with increasing “bubbling”, “breakup”, “pixelation” or periodic “freezing”. It’s important to know the real signal levels with digital as the sound or picture gives no indication you are near the edge of the “cliff”. Rain, Fog, aging of cable or connectors, slightly reduced power, ice on aerial and even hot clear weather can all reduce the signal. Solar noise or background interference can increase. Thus digital systems need a hidden margin of signal  the user can’t see compared to analogue reception which degrades more gradually and gracefully. 

Effect of Modulation on SNR required.

Note there is a -1.6dB “Shannon Limit” that no Analogue or Digital system can beat no matter how narrow band or how slowly information is transferred. There is also an immutable Shannon Capacity Boundary. DVB-t and 3G/HSPA are close to this and DVB-T2 is as close as is possible. Due to this physical & mathematical limit no amount of clever modulation will get more range or more speed. You need either more bandwidth (wider channel) or more signal (better gain aerial or more transmitter power). A mast head pre-amp only ever makes the SNR worse. It only compensates for loss after the aerial (such as connectors, splitters, combiners and cable all of which attenuates the signal, solar noise, aerial thermal noise, cosmic noise and interference all equally).

Noise Levels

When we talk RF, the NF (Noise Figure) is the dB of excess noise compared to an theoretically perfect receiver.

Both at same temperature, bandwidth and in perfect faraday cage with perfect input matching at same temperature.

i.e. the NF is noise generated in the real electronics.

It's got nothing to do with threshold of hearing.

Noise Levels of sound are not noise levels, but Sound pressure levels. It need not be "noise" in sense of random. It's the power level above a reference of 20 µPa RMS, regarded as threshold of hearing.
90dB is heavy traffic, 0.001 W
130dB is threshold of pain, about 10W
A live trumpet (jazz horn) is about 3W.
Good "speakers" are only about 1% efficient, so 3W of live horn needs a 300W amplifier / Speaker! Bose are the least efficient and need much more power. Efficiency says nothing about reproduction quality.

With Digital and Analogue TV it can be more useful to know the Signal to Noise (Eb/No or quality or bit error rate).

You also need to know the absolute level too as if it's too low, then you can't split the signal or drive any coax at all without amplification with a low noise amplifier. If it's too high it may need attenuated or receivers or amplifiers may overload.

dBmW in 50 Ohms, 75 Ohms, or 300 Ohms is one reference.

Field strength is usually reference to 1uV/m (microvolts per meter).
60dBu is thus 1mV per meter.

Coverage plot contours are usually dBu (reference microvolt per meter).

On practical systems dBm (reference 1mW in 50, 75, 300, 600 Ohms, whatever the cable & equipment impedance is).

A dBu reading only makes sense on a calibrated aerial with exact known gain.

for example if the minimum spec is 35dBu for Digital and the signal strength is 20dBu, then an aerial with a gain of 15dB is needed. An amplifier of 15dB will not work as that amplifies the noise and interference too.

If the cable loss is 18dB from aerial to equipment, then can't put much more than 18dB of mast head gain. If the signal is 20dB more than needed, then no preamp is needed.

So it's more useful to know the dBm needed and the minimum SNR for analogue and minimum Eb/No (digital SNR) or maximum Bit Error Rate.

Different transponders or multiplex from same source with same power may need different SNR as the FEC and APSK/QPSK or QAM/PSK modulation levels may be different.

Module 701 covers Interference in detail,  Module 504 is Modulation theory with some SNR and Module 508 Advanced SNR theory for designing distribution systems covering SNR budgets and  noise contribution of each distribution component. Distribution systems usually need larger aerials and dishes.

Tropospheric scattering

At VHF and higher frequencies, small variations (turbulence) in the density of the atmosphere at a height of around 6 miles (10 km) can scatter some of the normally line-of-sight beam of radio frequency energy back toward the ground, allowing over-the-horizon communication between stations as far as 500 miles (800 km) apart. This is much more common on VHF than UHF and creates  reception issues for normal channels on FM band II, sometimes DAB band III and occasionally on UHF.

Tropospheric ducting

Changes  in the atmosphere's vertical moisture content and temperature profiles can on  occasions make VHF, UHF and even Microwave  signals propagate hundreds of kilometres up to about 2,000 kilometres (beyond the normal radio-horizon. The inversion layer is mostly observed over high pressure regions, especially if there is no wind to disturb the layering of the atmosphere and possibly a very clear sky at night allowing very cold ground and hot air in the morning.  The duration of the events are typically from several hours up to several days. Higher frequencies experience the most dramatic increase of signal strengths.  Propagation path attenuation may be below free-space loss.  There can be dramatic reduction of a medium distance station (say Maghera or Mullaghanish in Limerick City environs) and Reception of Spanish stations on a whip aerial in Limerick. If there is a co-channel DAB or DTT station when these events occur the effect can be much worse than Analogue. Total loss of signal is possible.

Sporadic-E propagation

Sporadic E (Es) propagation can be observed on HF and VHF bands, it’s very rare on UHF. It must not be confused with ordinary HF E-layer propagation. Sporadic-E at mid-latitudes occurs mostly during summer season, from May to August in the northern hemisphere and from November to February in the southern hemisphere. There is no single cause for this mysterious propagation mode. The reflection takes place in a thin sheet of ionisation around 90 km height. The ionisation patches drift westwards at speeds of few hundred km per hour. There is a weak periodicity noted during the season and typically Es is observed on 1 to 3 successive days and remains absent for a few days to reoccur again. Es do not occur during small hours; the events usually begin at dawn, and there is a peak in the afternoon and a second peak in the evening. Es propagation is usually gone by local midnight. The signals are not strong, so co-channel interference is not usually a problem. If a TV or set-box is on “autoscan” it will periodically have extra channels.

Terrestrial Digital receivers should not be left in an Autoscan/Autotune mode.

Aerials, Baluns and Polarisation

It's easiest to make, test and understand aerials and Radio at UHF and Microwave (450MHz to 2GHz).  VHF and even Shortwave aerials can be tested using scale models at 2GHz.

Dipole Aerial

A dipole antenna or aerial  is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with a centre-fed driven element. It consists of two metal conductors of rod or wire, oriented parallel and collinear with each other (in line with each other), with a small space between them. The radio frequency voltage is applied to the antenna at the centre, between the two conductors. These antennas are the simplest practical antennas from a theoretical point of view. They are used alone as antennas, notably in traditional "rabbit ears" television aerials, and as the driven element in many other types of antennas, such as the Yagi-Uda, commonly called Yagi. Dipole antennas were invented by German physicist Heinrich Hertz around 1886 in his pioneering experiments with radio waves.  A Wave or Wavelength in meters is 300/f  in MHz as the wavelength is speed of wave / frequency  (velocity/changes per second) and speed of light about 300 Million meters per second.


Wire ends are supported by insulating cords


A dipole has some “gain” as it doesn’t radiate or receive signal on its axis. This is about 2.15dB more than an impossible but hypothetical true spherical omni-directional aerial (isotropic antenna). So measuring this reference is called dBi. A fairer measure is comparing how much better an aerial is than a perfect Dipole. This is thus dBd. So 0dBd is about 2.15 dBi

The Balun

The sketch for the dipole is misleading as the voltage is symmetrical. This means the aerial should really be connected with balanced twin feed cable (The 300 Ohms version used to be common on older FM radios using a pair of screw terminals and some TVs with loop aerials. The consequences of connecting unbalanced coaxial cable to a balanced aerial connection  are increased pickup of interference, reduction of performance of aerial and risk of “feedback” on any mast-head preamp.  Some aerials are advertised as “Digital” because they have a balun (BALanced  to UNbalanced  converter). All dipoles, Grid/Bow-tie, loop, “rabbits ears” and Yagi aerials are “balanced”.  All types of single core coax is unbalanced. Even since the 1950s poor quality TV and Radio aerials have had no balun and good quality aerials have had a balun. A balun can made by tracks on a printed circuit board, a parallel centre tapped transformer, a series “common mode” choke or transformer, ferrite clamp on the cable or coil of the coaxial cable. A “transformer” type balun can even be a folded exact length of coaxial cable in the connection box.

1: Balun for 300 Ohms folded dipole

2: Balun for any Dipole that matches coax 1:1


Text Box:  
Balun for VHF on Coax
Note that type “2” balun can be retrofitted to a cheap aerial that hasn’t got a balun, but “1” is only possible at design time. At UHF simply coiling the coaxial cable near the aerial as tight as possible without exceeding bend specification (damage to dielectric insulation or foil) about 3 or 4 turns will electrically be the same as ferrite transformer at 1MHz to 30MHz. Even on that Short Wave (HF) band, winding RG58 coaxial cable on a large ferrite ring (like a stripped CRT LOPT core) will act as a common mode current “choke” type balun. A suitable ferrite may work for Band I or Band II VHF (photo).

A vertical polarised dipole can have one ¼ wave arm replaced with a pipe, such that the ratio of the pipe and coax diameters is the coax / aerial impedance. then the coax inner is joined to the “whip” and the coax outer connected to the pipe. The coax then exits the bottom of the pipe. Spacer should ensure the coax is centred and also the pipe needs an insulated clamp to the mast. While not so common on VHF and UHF they are used on military Band III and UHF field masts and also almost all plastic 2.4GHz plastic “rods” have this assembly inside (1/4 wave at 2.4GHz is only about 3cm!). This is a 1/4wave “sleeve” balun.

It’s advantageous to have such a loop/coil/choke at the TV /Set box end to reduce radiation of interference from the electronics, reduce interference and even reduce likely hood of damage from static discharge when there is dusty dry wind or nearby storm.



A Radio wave has either Plane Polarisation or Circular polarisation. Really Horizontal and Vertical are just conventions. The Polarisation is in the same plane as the rods of the dipole. If the dipole is horizontal as above, it’s called Horizontal polarisation.



Circular polarisation can be regarded as an equal mix of Horizontal and Vertical polarisation with a 90 degrees delay or advance (which defines Left Hand or Right hand).

Slant Polarisation is simply an Horizontal or vertical aerial tilted, or an equal mix of Horizontal and Vertical polarisation with no phase delay.

Text Box:  
Vertical polarised dipole in plastic pod.
Note simple rod based dish reflector
If the  dipole is mounted vertically (needs to be spaced from the pole or the pole will act like a short circuit as it’s in the same plane), then it’s called vertical polarisation. If the RF antenna polarization does not match that of the signal there is a corresponding decrease in the level of the signal. It is reduced by a factor of cosine of the angle between the polarisation of the RF antenna and the signal. A mismatch of 45 degrees is thus reduction of voltage of  0.707, or 1/√2  this means the power level is about -3dB. The cos of 90 degrees is zero, so if the transmit and receive dipoles are perfectly at right angles in free space (no reflections) then there is no received signal.

If there are a bunch of vertical rods in front of the horizontal dipole, the signal will thus be unaffected. If there are a bunch of horizontal rods, then all  signals are reflected. Thus a larger reflector to make the dipole directional (or a parabolic “mirror” dish) only needs rods in one direction and not a solid sheet.

Polariod sunglasses use a similar principle of blocking the most likely polarisation of light on a reflection to reduce glare.

Horizontal polarisation is thus also going to be less affected by trees, poles, pylons and buildings and the receiving aerial will be less sensitive to reflections from the ground. Hence the original FM Radio (not portable) and TV all used Horizontal polarisation. Mounting of a dipole horizontally has about 2dB more gain than vertically for a terrestrial signal as the “null” in Dipole reception is along the rod (straight up for Vertical). Mounting on a pole is simpler for horizontal dipole or Yagi.


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Marconi Aerial, the Monopole or Whip
This directional nature is not good for Mobile or portable use. So Mobile two way radio uses vertical polarisation as it appears to be omni-directional (in fact it’s just as directional, but the null is toward sky and ground, which reduces cosmic noise from space, solar noise from sun and thermal noise from ground).


Marconi realised that if a metal sheet replaced the left hand side, there would be a radio “reflection” or virtual wire on that side. If the aerial is then mounted on a the ground, the ground can do instead of a metal sheet. In practice it was found that of the aerial was on a pole that 4 wires about ¼ wave long. This “Marconi Aerial” today is called a Whip aerial or Monopole and is common on portable equipment and vehicles where the “ground plane” the bodywork rather than four wires or the “Ground”. A fibreglass vehicle may require embedded wire mesh for an aerial to work well. 


Text Box:  
Old LNB with 2x Monopole aerials
19mm approx waveguide.
vertical and horizontal polarisation

Satellite TV uses 10.7 GHz to 12.6GHz typically which is a wavelength of about 2.5cm! This means a “Marconi Aerial”  or monopole is about 6mm long. The tube of the LNB (Low Noise Block) is about 19mm diameter, so the “aerials”  for Horizontal and Vertical polarisation fit neatly inside behind the plastic cover. The dish is simply a large mirror to concentrate the signal. Since there are no obstructions in the skyward path between Satellite and  receiver both polarisations can be used at the same time. A Satellite may use  30 carriers at 25MHz spacing each of  25MHz bandwidth horizontally polarised and another 30 carriers offset by 12.5MHz using vertical polarisation.


This is called “polarisation reuse” and doubles the capacity of the spectrum.

In contrast a Mobile phone can be held at any angle, so the base-station uses Horizontal and Vertical aerials, transmitters and receivers in parallel for the same channel. The aerials are mounted actually at +45 and -45 degree angle as this means the propagation is the same for both polarisations no matter the terrain. The Mobile Base-station aerials look like large PA speaker columns as they have multiple aerial pairs in a vertical direction to increase gain at expense of  a narrow vertical angle of  sensitivity.

Circular polarisation can be generated in Left-handed or  Right-handed modes. This is to do with fact that it looks like continuously rotating plane polarisation. A Horizontal or Vertical polarised aerial will receive either Circular polarisation at -3dB. Either a RH or LH Circular Polarised aerial will receive Horizontal or Vertical at 3dB loss. Hence DAB and FM radio may use 45 degree or circular polarisation so that portable, mobile and home receivers will work with a vertical whip, horizontal dipole or horizontal windscreen aerial.  Most main TV stations on Analogue or Digital tend to be vertical and most low power local “fill-in” (called relays or Transposers in Analogue days) tend to be vertical, but TV can be Horizontal or Vertical.


Yagi-Uda Aerial

Text Box:  
The Yagi-Uda aerial
Since a Dish has a gain proportional to the fourth power of the frequency, it’s not going to work well at UHF which is almost 1/20th of the radio frequency of Satellite. Yagi and Uda in the 1930s discovered a method of adding plain metal rods in front of a dipole to get more gain. In practice the actual exact number of elements is less important than the length of the boom holding them relative to Wavelength. At about 2.5 wavelengths there is almost no extra gain as the boom is lengthened more and more elements added. Today we usually call it a Yagi aerial.

The minimum is a reflecting element R, active element A and director D.  Since the two end points of the dipole are at the same potential, it can be folded to make a flat loop. This is advantageous for the Yagi aerial as the Reflector and Director close proximity to the driven or Active element dramatically reduces the impedance. A loop instead of wire acts as a 2:1 transformer and since R = V/I the resistance ratio will be 4:1, making the 75 Ohms be 300. By adjusting the spacing of the first director and making it even closer to the active element, the impedance can be lowered back down to 75 Ohms (for TV and ordinary radio) or even 50 Ohms for Professional Radio applications.

VHF usage

VHF Band II (87.5 ... 108MHz) is used for FM Radio and this is unlikely to change.

VHF Band III was tested for Digital, and is in the specification  but may not be used.

DAB is within the Band III, Ch  D to J

Aerials for UHF

Text Box:

Marketing Lies.

To broaden the bandwidth a little the director rods may be replaced by X or ><  shaped elements. Marketing often counts each of these as FOUR, by counting each spike rather than each element. A typical so called “Hundred” element aerial may be actually 23 elements.


Getting More Gain

One solution is simply connect four dipoles on a balanced Transmission line (the vertical pair of wires with two twists in photo) and put a reflector behind. A reflector almost adds 3dB (double the signal) and every time you double the number of aerials you must get twice the signal, thus a “grid” or “bowtie” aerial with four dipoles can have about 9dBd gain.


The Yagi solution to “more gain” is a longer boom (up to 2.5 wavelengths) and more director elements.


The Grid aerial in the photo is Horizontal Polarised, for Vertical simply rotate it 90 degrees so the bows point up and down. The dipoles are >< instead of -- -- so as to make the bandwidth wider.  The ><  (bow tie dipoles) face the transmitter.


To get even more gain you can combine 2, 4, 8 or 16 very large  Yagi (18 to 23 element). Above 8 or 16 Yagis a very large mesh dish and a single aerial may work better and be more economical. It would appear that you lose up to 2dB gain in the combiners for four Yagi. In absolute terms this is true, but really it’s the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) that counts and the combiners also attenuate all interference, cosmic and solar noise too, so the loss of the combiner can be cancelled by the mast head pre-amp.

What doesn’t give more gain

A larger reflector hardly affects gain compared to one rod. It does reduce side lobes and rear signal pickup to an extent, thus improving analogue “signal to noise” or digital “quality” (Eb/No). Above a certain size (proportional to square of frequency), the reflector will of course act like a dish or concentrating mirror and increase gain. At UHF that is quite large.

A mast head amp or pre-amp doesn’t really add more gain at all. In fact it adds noise and risk of intermodulation. The mast head preamp is only to “cancel out” losses in cables, splitters or combiners.

Typical cheap indoor UHF 5 Element Yagi.

 Only suitable where the indoor aerial in a room with window that has LOS (“Line Of Sight”) to the TV transmitter mast.

Typical outdoor Yagi

(can be used in Attic in very strong signal area)


The cradle acts as essential  standoff from pole when aerial is vertical.

This model is 12 elements, Reflector, Active and 10 Directors.


Log Periodic

The log Period is the most common true wideband aerial. So Called “wide band” UHF Yagi are inherently really covering two groups at best gain, typically B and C. Unlike a Yagi where only one element is an active dipole, every element is a dipole. The boom arm is actually a pair of booms spaced from each other forming a “Transmission Line”. The dipoles are much much closer together than on the “quad bow-tie” grid aerial above, with result that the signal is only in phase along the connections between the dipoles instead of at right angles.


Unknown Outdoor Log Periodic

Indoor Log Periodic for UHF


Note that while a yagi is fed near  the rear and only one element is active, all the elements on a Log Periodic Aerial are active dipoles and it is feed from the tip that points to the transmitter.

AM Radio

See How Radio Works Part 1


(c) 2011, 2012 Michael Watterson. All rights reserved. Permission to to display on website

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