gould: OS-260 (OS260); Advance

ID: 134315
Dieser Artikel betrifft das Modell: Oscilloscope OS-260 (Gould Advance Ltd.; Hainault)

gould: OS-260 (OS260); Advance 
20.Feb.07 16:22

Werner Kassenbrock (D)
Beiträge: 106
Anzahl Danke: 6
Werner Kassenbrock

Nach meinem Kenntnisstand nannte sich die Herstellerfirma GOULD Advance. Das Oszilloskop trug die Typenbezeichnung OS-260. Falls dies jemand bestätigen kann, müsste dies geändert werden.

Gerne würde ich auch noch einige Modelle von GOULD Advance anlegen, bin aber nicht sicher, ob diese identisch mit Gould Supply (wie hier wohl gemeint) ist. Wer weis Näheres?



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Gould Advance and Company amalgamations. 
20.Feb.07 18:26

Roy Johnson (GB)
Beiträge: 283
Anzahl Danke: 5

Just a historical note to aid decision!

Advance Instruments was a UK company which was bought by Gould of the USA.

They continued to manufacture in the UK from the Advance factory under the name Gould Advance.   If I remember correctly the OS260 was initially manufactured by Advance before the take-over.

It is always a problem where to place such, but my suggestion is that we locate it to the name of the company who started the manufacture - in this case Advance Instruments. 

Regards to all, and please excuse the English intrusion.


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Wie anlegen? 
22.Feb.07 07:00

Werner Kassenbrock (D)
Beiträge: 106
Anzahl Danke: 3
Werner Kassenbrock

Hi Roy,

thanks for your helpful information. I expected, that  a British firm was involved.  

An die Admins: Wie soll weiter verfahren werden. Das angelegte Oszilloskop ist in jedem Fall fehlerhaft angelegt.


Werner Kassenbrock


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22.Feb.07 09:02

Roy Johnson (GB)
Beiträge: 283
Anzahl Danke: 2

Hi Werner,

I suggest that I enter a new company for the UK Gould with a bit of history. 

I can then add some technical details and prices to the OS260 with the new name of the company.

I have since checked on the OS260 and it seems that it was produced just at the time of the take-over by Gould, so it is probably better to leave it as a Gould (Advance) as most of the literature has it as such.

Best regards,



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